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US News

There has been much made about the right to own and carry a gun. As things seem to be getting worse for law-abiding citizens the more restrictions are placed on gun ownership, there seems to be more evidence that gun restrictions do not stop criminals. Now, there has been a …

The violence behind gun control shows through once again, as a grieving father of a shooting victims gets nasty with a Pro-2nd Amendment lawmaker who has refused to give into pressure to pass gun control legislation. A State Senator in Virginia has gone public with concerns for his safety after …

As I’ve pointed out before, gun grabbers and hoplophobes are constantly lying in order to demonize guns or demonize gun owners. But facts are stubborn things, and it seems that CNN’s Sally Kohn is finding this out the hard way after she was fact checked concerning her outrageous claim that …

Gun control is most definitely a part of the current administration’s goal. In fact, one could say that gun confiscation is the goal and that more gun control laws that lead toward that end are merely steps along the way. But how do they get the people behind them? According …

John Lott has taken upon himself the mantle of defender of the 2nd Amendment and over the years he has suffered the many slings and arrows of the left. However, none of this has stopped him. He continues to move forward, defending gun rights using logic, facts and hard scientific …

UCLA professor Adam Winkler recently wrote a gloating article for the Washington Post, wherein he celebrated the fact that the demographic trends of America are working against gun rights. He makes a pretty strong argument too, since pretty much every minority ethnic group in this country seems to support stricter …

On Monday, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision on the New York SAFE Act. According to the Court, virtually all of the law, which clearly infringes on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms does not violate the Second Amendment, which clearly it does. …

A Detroit pastor fatally shot a man wielding a brick and threatening him just after the service began. The victim has been identified as Deante Smith, a football player for the Michigan Lightning. Keon Allison was the pastor who shot him. The Detroit Free Press reports: Buy All-American! Bring health …

It’s interesting how the stupidity of those that hate Christianity, America and the protections of freedom afforded Americans is on display daily in various newspapers, magazines and on a myriad of websites. Of note, is, who recently hosted an article by D. Watkins on Friday, in which he wrote, …

There are two elements that are usually present in those young men who have been involved in mass shootings. The first thing is they are usually taking some kind of pharmaceutical drug and the other is that they are either fatherless or have a very distant or weak father. In …