Search Result for “california ban”

Ninth Circuit Heard Oral Argument In NRA-Backed Challenge To California’s Magazine Ban
Today, an 11-judge en-banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Duncan v. Bonta, the NRA-backed challenge to California’s ban on magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammo. The case was argued by the Kirkland & Ellis law firm. One of the highlights …

Ninth Circuit To Hear Oral Argument In NRA-Backed Challenge to California’s Magazine Ban
On Tuesday, June 22nd, attorneys from the law firm Kirkland & Ellis will argue that California’s ban on standard-capacity magazines violates the Second Amendment before an 11-judge, en-banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in an NRA-backed case. Our attorneys have already successfully argued this case before a …

Gun control supporters are howling. They’re gnashing teeth with rage knowing that their “failed experiment” and labyrinth of lies came crashing down. Their gun grab is revealed for what it is – unconstitutional. U.S. District Court Judge Roger Benitez struck down California’s 30-year-old ban on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) when …

California Magazine Ban Heads Back to Court
The long-running saga of the court case involving California’s on-again, off-again magazine ban has taken another twist. Many America’s 1st Freedom readers likely remember that last August, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed in Duncan v. Becerra that the restriction on firearms magazines holding more than 10 rounds …

Ninth Circuit to Hear Case Challenging California’s Magazine Ban En Banc
Today the Ninth Circuit granted en banc review of an NRA-ILA backed lawsuit challenging California’s ban on magazines containing more than ten rounds. This case challenges California Penal Code §32310, which was amended in 2016, to outright ban magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. The NRA filed suit …

California’s Ban On Large-Capacity Magazines “Goes Too Far”
In Duncan v. Becerra, a case supported by the NRA, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that California’s ban on the possession of “large capacity magazines”(LCMs) violates the Second Amendment. The decision affirms a ruling last March by Federal District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez, who …

California’s Ban on Gun Magazines Found Unconstitutional
More SUBSCRIBE A three-judge panel in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s previous ruling that a California state ban on standard-capacity magazines is unconstitutional and in violation of the Second Amendment. In Duncan v. Becerra, U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez ruled in March, 2019, …

California’s Ban on Large Capacity Magazines “Goes Too Far” — Ninth Circuit Strikes Ban as Unconstitutional
In Duncan v. Becerra, a case supported by the NRA, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that California’s ban on the possession of “large capacity magazines”(LCMs) violates the Second Amendment. The decision affirms a ruling last March by Federal District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez, …

California: Assault Weapons Ban Expansion Moving Quickly!
The California Assembly will be voting on AB 88 today, after the legislation was passed through the Senate late yesterday. AB 88 is a budget trailer bill that includes significant policy changes that, would expand the definition of “assault weapon” under California’s “Assault Weapons Control Act” and expedite the effective date on precursor parts restrictions. Please …

California: Legislature to Consider Banning Lead Ammo at Shooting Ranges
Friday, February 21, was the bill introduction deadline in the California legislature. We anticipate the legislature will make another aggressive push at our Second Amendment Rights and hunting heritage in the Golden State. At this time, the full picture of what we can expect from the introduced bills is not …