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The Obama administration has tried to kick in the front door of the rights of gun owners, but was met with a shotgun blast of disappointment in 2013 following the Sandy Hook shooting.  The administration has made illegal and unconstitutional attempts to restrict guns and ammunition from law-abiding Americans.  Now, …

Anti-gunner and Islamic sympathizing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who has lost quite a bit of weight in an attempt to run for president, told people gathered at a March 24 town hall meeting that if the voters only elected a pro-gun legislature that he would “respect” gun rights. OK, …

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) backpedaled on their potential ban of M855 5.56 NATO/.223 ammunition, citing a “publishing error,” and finally surrendered to shelving the idea for now after being contacted by over 80,000 Americans this week. However, gun grabbing socialists, also known as Democrats, are …

Yesterday, I reported on the fact that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) were backpedaling on the potential ban of M855 ammunition, claiming a “publishing error.” Today, ATF fell back amid a swell of American patriotism. An unprecedented response to the proposed ban led ATF to tweet …

Because he can’t get Congress to approve the things that he wants to do, Barack Obama has apparently decided to rule by decree for the rest of his time in the White House.  One of Obama’s latest moves is to try to ban some of the most popular ammunition for …

“The Obama administration was unable to ban America’s most popular sporting rifle through the legislative process, so now it’s trying to ban commonly owned and used ammunition through regulation.” Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, has hit the nail on the head. Following the Sandy …

In a video posted to LiveLeak’s YouTube, a Eureka, Calif., confronts two Second Amendment activists selling .22 caliber ammunition on the street. The officer calls the behavior “bizarre.” According to TheBlaze, police responded after receiving several calls about the men selling ammo. “One of the pro-gun activists grew immediately confrontational …

A little over a year ago, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Fortunately for the US, the Senate had already taken a position on the treaty and deemed it unconstitutional and unworthy of recognition as a violation of the Second Amendment. However, that isn’t …