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Harvard Law School was embarrassed recently when one of its graduates, the putative President of the United States, demonstrated that he was unaware that the supreme Court has constitutional authority to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.1 And after reading a recent paper by Harvard law professor Einer Elhauge, one …

No! When you look at it from the perspective of limiting the federal government to its “enumerated powers”, it all becomes very easy and clear. We haven’t been looking at it this way because we are so ignorant of our Constitution that we don’t know that it delegates “enumerated powers” …

From Charles Cooke’s piece on National Review Online: “Carol Bowne is dead — murdered in cold blood on her own property by a violent criminal who would not be restrained by good intentions. But there is no smoking gun, because she lived and died in New Jersey. “”Bowne was a …

We are not a violent society. We are a society sheltered from violence. No one in Rwanda spends time wondering what kind of man would murder people. They probably live next door to him. If your neighborhood is diverse enough, you might be unfortunate enough to live next door to war …

The Obama administration has been trying to advance a gun confiscation agenda since it took office. However, it suffered a tremendous defeat in 2013 following the Sandy Hook incident. Yet, it continues to press to infringe upon the Constitution’s Second Amendment protections of the rights of the people, especially our …

It’s nice to see Americans learning about their freedoms and seeing representatives moving along with those freedoms. Such is the case with Kansas, whose governor, Sam Brownback (R), signed Senate Bill 45 which recognizes citizens’ rights to carry their weapons concealed in the state without a permit from the state …

In Texas, 1999, a U.S. District Judge, Sam Cummings ruled in a domestic abuse case that the second amendment guaranteed an individual the right to keep and bear arms. There was naturally blowback from this decision. His detractors claimed he neglected to follow usual judicial practice. You see, his sin …

In a video posted to LiveLeak’s YouTube, a Eureka, Calif., confronts two Second Amendment activists selling .22 caliber ammunition on the street. The officer calls the behavior “bizarre.” According to TheBlaze, police responded after receiving several calls about the men selling ammo. “One of the pro-gun activists grew immediately confrontational …

In a ruling that will likely upset many, a US Appeals Court in Cincinnati ruled Thursday that it is unconstitutional to keep a Michigan man, who was a former mental patient, from owning a gun. The Wall Street Journal reports: A three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of …

A little over a year ago, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Fortunately for the US, the Senate had already taken a position on the treaty and deemed it unconstitutional and unworthy of recognition as a violation of the Second Amendment. However, that isn’t …