Posts Tagged
erich pratt
Rep. Meadows Throws Down the Gauntlet: Anti-Gunner John Boehner Must Go!
John Boehner must go. Will your congressman do the right thing? Congressman Mark Meadows of North Carolina is putting his political career on the line, sponsoring a resolution to “vacate the chair” that would fire Boehner as Speaker. It’s imperative that you contact your member of Congress right now and …
A Tale of Two Shootings (Louisiana & Pennsylvania) – Why Gun Control is Killing Us
In the wake of Thursday night’s Louisiana shooting, the media has made much ado about the President’s “prediction” that law gun control laws would lead to more shootings. But the reality is that strict gun control laws made Thursday night’s shooting at the Lafayette Grand Theater possible. While facts are …
GOA Blasts Gun Grabbers for Claiming We Owe More Gun Control to Our Military Following Shooting at Gun Free Zone
Once again, a tragic shooting — this time at the two military locations in Chattanooga, Tennessee — has gripped the nation. And here at Gun Owners of America, our thoughts and prayers are for the families of the victims. Sadly, the Brady Campaign announced — just hours after the shooting …
Obama’s Latest Gun Control Scam Goes After Constitutionally Protected Gun Sales
“Who really thinks that a top-down approach to controlling weapons will be any more effective than Prohibition was in the early 20th Century or the war on drugs has been today?” — GOA’s Erich Pratt in an upcoming USA Today oped Background Checks are failing miserably. The Obama Administration is redoubling its …
Will Congress Stop the Obama Administration from Disarming our Military Veterans?
We just celebrated Independence Day last week. From that initial struggle against the British to the present day, we have honored our military veterans for their courageous sacrifice in helping keep us free. Sadly, many of these veterans have recently seen their courage “rewarded” with a gun ban. And this …
The Genius of July 4 Trumps Every Gun Grabbing Argument
The most amazing debate took place in the Grand Canyon State earlier this year. It was a theological dispute surrounding two pro-gun bills that legislators were debating in the Arizona House of Representatives. The hot topic was: “Is the right to keep and bear arms a God-given right or not?” …
Obama Gets it Wrong Again – Guns Are Actually Saving Lives
Just hours after the tragic shooting in a South Carolina church, President Barack Obama resumed his fanatical war on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. “Now’s the time for mourning and for healing, but let’s be clear — at some point we as a country will have to …
Guns & the Right to Defend Your Family is a Pro-Life Value
USA Today isn’t exactly a close ally of either the pro-life or Second Amendment movements. So it’s not surprising that on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the newspaper published an opinion piece by Pastor Rob Schenck trying to pick a fight between the two communities. That’s not going to happen. Each of …