Posts Tagged
gun owners of america

Cruz Defends Second Amendment
(Springfield, VA)—Sen. Ted Cruz defended the Second Amendment rights of all Americans during last night’s presidential debate, and also cited his endorsement by Gun Owners of America. “Indeed, just a couple of years ago when Harry Reid and Barack Obama came after the right to keep and bear arms of …

Obama Wants More UN-Style Gun Control
Right now White House officials are booking flights to Mexico…… and they’re not bringing back souvenirs. They’re on their way to the UN Small Arms Conference, to be held in Mexico City on August 24. And they’re planning to bring back the framework for a global gun control regime. Buy …

Designated Terror Group Files Lawsuit Against Gun Supply Store for Establishing Muslim-Free Zone
In the middle of July, Florida Gun Supply declared itself to be a “Muslim-Free Zone.” Now, the designated terror group and unindicted co-conspirator in the united States’ largest terror funding plot, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has chosen to sue based on alleged discrimination. Reuters reports: The lawsuit filed in …

Will Congress Stop the Obama Administration from Disarming our Military Veterans?
We just celebrated Independence Day last week. From that initial struggle against the British to the present day, we have honored our military veterans for their courageous sacrifice in helping keep us free. Sadly, many of these veterans have recently seen their courage “rewarded” with a gun ban. And this …
Source: NRA Didn’t Invite Rand Paul to Annual Convention Because He’s Too Strong on Second Amendment
Now the true colors of the National Rifle Association are beginning to show. The NRA has invited Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, along with Governors Scott Walker and Jeb Bush, all seeking the GOP nomination for president in 2016 to their annual convention. However, Rand Paul and Chris Christie …

Larry Pratt: Gun Owners of America is a Muslim-Free Zone
Glenn Beck is not happy with the National Rifle Association. On his radio show, he actually threatened to quit the organization if its board member, Grover Norquist, was re-elected, calling Norquist a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer. According to Beck, Norquist has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is closely related to the …

Experts: Not A Single Police Officer Has Been Shot by AR-15 Ammo
As the Obama Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) continues to position itself as a Constitutional authority to ban ammunition, claiming that 5.56/.223-caliber M855 ball ammunition should be classified as “armor piercing” and “cop killer” bullets, the Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation says that there …
Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act Would Allow Concealed Carry Weapons Across State Lines
Considering the fact that our Constitution acknowledges that citizens have the unalienable right (liberty) to both keep and bear arms, there is no legislation that should be imposed on any law-abiding citizen regarding their carrying of any weapon, especially at the federal level. Therefore, there should be no reason for …

Gun Owners of America Exposed Manchin’s Gun Control Plans: Bill was not aiming at Closing Loopholes
Did you watch PBS’ new special “Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA”? According to Breitbart, the special includes a look at other gun rights groups, including the Gun Owners of America and credits the group for exposing Senator Joe Manchin‘s attempt to cloak his 2013 gun control push by padding it with …