Posts Tagged
michael ware

Executive Order to Illegally Impose Stricter Gun Laws Soon to Come
When Obama was unable to get immigration laws passed through Congress, he simply spoke new laws into existence, something the Constitution only invests Congress with the power to do. While that is tied up in court, he has basically commanded the DHS to stop arresting and deporting illegals. Now, with …

Obama Concedes that His Gun Laws Would not have Stopped Virginia Gunman
It was no surprise to anyone that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went after the 2nd Amendment after the tragedy in Virginia. Far be it from these disciples of Saul Alinsky to allow a crisis go to waste. They recognize an opportunity when they see it, and they took full advantage of this …

Lawmakers Unanimously Vote to Ban Possession of High-Capacity Magazines
I have always said that there is more to the gun-control movement than meets the eye. There had to be, as they continually present laws that have nothing to do with the problem. Most of the people killed by firearms are accidental deaths. These are best reduced through gun safety …

Private Gun Range Under Fire for “Muslim-Free Zone”
What do you think about private clubs? Should they have the right, at their discretion, to exclude anyone from membership? Should fraternal orders such as the Masons be given the right to exclude women? We could list for days the clubs and groups that require membership and exclude people base …