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US News

As of early 2024, twenty-nine states in the United States allow individuals to carry firearms without a permit. Sixteen of these states have adopted permitless carry laws since 2019. This trend has sparked interest in how allowing concealed carry impacts crime rates. Overall, permitless carry does not appear to increase …

Many continue to believe that President Donald Trump is a huge supporter of the Second Amendment despite his flagrant disregard for it, along with virtually all of the Bill of Rights.  However, it isn’t just those things.  Remember when Trump played his part in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms …

Does your state support your 2nd Amendment rights or make it exceedingly difficult to keep and bear arms? We’ve ranked the worst states to be a gun owner below. How? By analyzing each state’s current laws, upcoming laws, concealed carry guidelines, self-defense statutes, and 2A-centric taxes in order to identify …

As the political climate heats up surrounding gun control and legislation, more Americans are buying firearms today than six years ago. In the past twenty years, gun ownership has risen slightly among women and Hispanics while it has decreased among men. Report Highlights: Gun ownership in America increased 28% from …

Report Highlights: There have been 2,646 school shooting incidents in the U.S. since 1966. Of those, 2,205 (94%) occurred after the 1990 School Zone Safety Act (Amended in 1995). There are 1,325 total State Gun Laws per this 2022 report. The Federal government has been enacting Federal Firearm regulations since …

We’ve all read the headlines, “Guns are the number one killer of kids in America.”  Unfortunately, that headline is grossly misleading. To better understand children and firearms, we must first understand the definitions of adolescents and exactly what gun violence is. Looking at data with clearly defined terminology is the …

But do you dare enter the Capital on January 6th….. Teen gunman who ‘sprayed DC neighborhood with 26 rounds from an AR-15’ is released on bail by self-confessed ‘woke’ judge. Judge Lloyd Nolan Jr. sparked backlash after freeing Amonte Moody, 18. Moody is accused of spraying a sleepy neighborhood with …

All authority to write and define legislation that is authorized under Article I of the US Constitution is given to Congress alone.  Yet, the unconstitutional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives believes it has a right to engage in redefining words.  The agency did it regarding bump stocks and …

It’s interesting how criminals in government attack the law that guards our liberty and then violate the law against their neighbors.  Exhibit A is Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell, who has advocated against the Second Amendment.  She was recently arrested for burglary. a CBS 12 reports:a DETROIT LAKES, Minn. (TND) …

“Approximately 17.4 million guns were sold in 2022, and 1.4 million guns have been sold monthly in 2023.” Many in this country are now coming to the very realization of why it was that our forefathers established the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. It was to the leave …