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Washington’s Initiative 594, which was backed by leftists Michael Bloomberg and Microsoft’s Bill Gates, passed on the ballot in November. Because voters in Washington decided to partially give up their rights to keep and bear arms to tyrants in violation of their own state constitution, it forced the Lynden Pioneer …

Texas Republican State Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (Lexington), who was recently re-elected, introduced House Bill 176 (HB176), which would declare all federal gun laws to be “invalid” and “not enforceable” within the sovereign state of Texas. The bill, titled The Second Amendment Preservation Act, reads in part: A federal law, including …

Following the people of Missouri’s vote on Amendment 5, the legislature voted to override Governor Jay Nixon’s veto of changes to the law which would allow school employees to carry their firearms on campus and designate them as “school protection officers.” According to Fox News St. Louis: Specially trained public …

As we have made mention of before, our Declaration of Independence defined clearly that our rights come from God and those rights are unalienable. However, in the federal government and in many states, lawmakers think they are authorized to write laws that infringe on the unalienable rights of their citizens. …

Congress and Barack Obama just cannot keep their eyes off of Americans’ guns. Though they are allowing and open invasion of the United States via the southern border, something they should be dealing with according to law, they are unconstitutionally focusing on more violations of the Second Amendment. This week, …

On Wednesday Barack Obama used his powerful pen to effectively ban AK-47s, and other Kalashnikov Russian-made imports, indefinitely. This will include the import of parts and accessories so it affects current owners as well as those looking to make a new purchase. If you like your gun, you can keep it. Just don’t expect …

A bill proposed by U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner would eliminate the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Sensenbrenner cited operational failure, as well as service overlap as reasons why the ATF should be eliminated: “By absorbing the ATF into existing law enforcement entities, we can preserve the …