California has the strictest gun control in the nation, so Obama’s politicization of San Bernardino rings sickeningly hollow.
Just when we think that politics can’t sink any lower,President Obama once again proves us wrong by politicizing the tragedy in San Bernardino before the facts were even known. What we do know is that theAmerican people are heartbroken by these horrific crimes — and despite what the president would …

Why Preppers Need Guns: 3 Reasons Firearms Play a Vital Role in Your Defensive Plan
One of the many adages of the prepper world is, “If you can’t defend it, you don’t own it.” If you’re new to the preparedness lifestyle, this saying basically means that all of your supplies, your stockpiles, your carefully selected buckets of food, and the time and money you spent …
In Texas, TCU Opts Out of Campus Carry–Others May Follow
Parents nationwide who love the 2nd Amendment and are trying to decide which college to pay for should know that, despite a new Texas law that takes effect in August 2016, their CHL-equipped college-age children will not be allowed to carry concealed weapons on the grounds of Texas Christian University, …

Obama Is the Greatest Gun Salesman of All Time: “There Were Two Background Checks Every Second on Black Friday”
While most Americans who braved the annual Running of the Sheep celebration were stocking up on discounted veggie steamers and last year’s flat screen TV models, those who understand the threats to liberty and personal safety chose to spend their hard earned wages on personal protection. According to the Federal Bureau …

Detroit Police Chief: Arm Citizens, Deter Terrorists
It is somewhat amazing to watch as police chiefs in cities that have imposed unlawful and strict gun control laws, come out after the Paris jihad attacks and call for the citizens to be armed and deal with criminals and terrorists. What is equally surprising is their maintaining strict gun …

Another Stolen Federal Agent’s Gun Has Been Used for Murder
Earlier this summer, illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez murdered American citizen Kathryn Steinle on a California pier in front of her father with a federal agent’s gun. At the end of September, an Oakland muralist was murdered by a criminal with a stolen federal agent’s gun. ABC 7 reported …

Democrat Claims Paris Terrorists may Have got AKs from U.S.
Just when you thought the politicians rhetoric could not get any more absurd, Representative Jan Schakowsky (spoiler alert: she is a Democrat from Chicago) suggests U.S. gun laws are in some way responsible for the Paris attacks! Do these people have no shame? In an interview about the recent Paris …
A Grim Anniversary: The Warsaw Ghetto
Under the heading of mere decency—and, especially in this case, justice—we often find ourselves called to remember grim anniversaries. Quite frequently, these events spotlight the bravery, selflessness and outright heroism we always hope to feature in American Warrior, though in this case not always exhibited by Americans. Such is our …

Obama’s One-Man Crusade Against Guns
While we look to the 2016 presidential election with a combination of trepidation and hope, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Barack Obama will be with us for another year. Throughout his presidency, Obama has made his distaste for firearms clear—this is a man who, earlier …

European Commission Calls For More Gun Restrictions
We know by now not to be surprised when the automatic reaction of politicians at home and abroad to atrocities in which killers wreak as much destruction as possible upon crowds of unarmed citizens is to more strictly regulate guns. Living in a fantasy world in which the number of …