Posts Tagged
concealed carry

Did the Single-Stack Nine Kill the Carry Revolver?
Once upon a time, police officers who patrolled our streets carried revolvers on their hips. Guns like the Colt Police Positive and the Smith & Wesson Model 19 were their primary defensive firearm, and they carried .38 Spl. snub-nosed carry revolvers like the Detective Special and J-Frames for backup guns …

Where’s Your Wild West?
Editor’s note: With a bitter brawl brewing in Congress over national Right-to-Carry reciprocity, the dire warnings of a return to the Wild West are springing up once again. We asked Charles C.W. Cooke to give us a little historical perspective: Have Right-to-Carry laws ever resulted in widespread mayhem? Or mayhem …

Alternative Carry Methods
Article first appeared at American Rifleman. Recently I underwent hip replacement surgery. Prior to that I had back surgery. To say my mobility has been compromised for a while would be an understatement. Let’s face it, as we age our ability to move—our athleticism—is lessened. But does that mean we …

Want to Get Your Glock Ready for Concealed Carry?
A little while ago, I wrote an article on why I choose to carry the GLOCK 19 over all other concealed carry pistols. It’s a fantastic little gun, but can still be improved, and I’m not very good at leaving good enough alone when I can spend a little more money to make a …

Cincinnatti Concealed Carrier Stops 62-Year-Old Man Who Opened Fire in Direction of Woman & 1-Year-Old
On Sunday evening, a concealed carry permit holder demonstrated exactly why citizens should be armed and know how to use their weapons, as he protected himself and three others, including a woman and a one-year-old boy. Thomas McCary was arguing with a woman on Sunday night around 7:30pm. However, when …

While Gun Permits Increase, Murder Rate Drops
As gun ownership and the number of concealed carry permits have soared under President Obama, who has been dubbed history’s greatest gun salesman, new statistics show that the murder rate has dropped significantly during the same period. While the well-funded gun control lobby has attempted to an image of increased …
Will South Carolina Be Next In Recognizing Permitless Concealed Carry?
My home State of South Carolina has passed a bill in the House that would recognize the God-given right of its citizens to lawfully keep and bear their arms concealed in public without a permit. By a vote of 90-18, H3025 passed the SC House in April. South Carolina is …

Armed Uber Driver Stops Chicago Shooter
An Uber driver shot and wounded a gunman who opened fire into a crowd of people on Friday night in Chicago. A group of people had been walking in front of the driver in Logan Square when Everardo Custodio, 22, began firing into the crowd. The Uber driver, a 47-year-old …
Kansas Allows Concealed Carry without Government Permit or Training
It’s nice to see Americans learning about their freedoms and seeing representatives moving along with those freedoms. Such is the case with Kansas, whose governor, Sam Brownback (R), signed Senate Bill 45 which recognizes citizens’ rights to carry their weapons concealed in the state without a permit from the state …
Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act Would Allow Concealed Carry Weapons Across State Lines
Considering the fact that our Constitution acknowledges that citizens have the unalienable right (liberty) to both keep and bear arms, there is no legislation that should be imposed on any law-abiding citizen regarding their carrying of any weapon, especially at the federal level. Therefore, there should be no reason for …