Posts Tagged

eric holder

The Obama administration has been trying to advance a gun confiscation agenda since it took office. However, it suffered a tremendous defeat in 2013 following the Sandy Hook incident. Yet, it continues to press to infringe upon the Constitution’s Second Amendment protections of the rights of the people, especially our …

Several gun owner rights victories have occurred recently in the united States Senate, including a vote that shut down the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Among those victories is Senator Jim Inhofe’s amendment, which Gun Owners of America claims has the potential to shut down parts of the United Nations …

Well, Duh! A federal court in Texas has ruled that residency requirement for handgun purchases is unconstitutional. The ruling smacked down gun grabbing Attorney General Eric Holder‘s claim that banning handguns outside of a person’s state of residence is not a violation of the Second Amendment. The Washington Times reports: …

Photos from a 2013 murder scene in Phoenix, Arizona, which involved a gun obtained through the Obama DOJ and ATF’s corrupt Operation Fast and Furious, have finally been released due to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch reports: Three weeks following the July 29, 2013, …