Posts Tagged
Gun Control

Did Australia And Great Britain See Lower Gun Violence After Mass Confiscation?
Only days after mass shooting at the community college in Oregon, President Obama said that the United States needs to follow the lead of Great Britain and Australia—nations that instituted large scale gun bans and confiscation after mass shootings on their soil. So would it work here? Maybe the more …

Now Hillary Is Pushing for Laws so That Shooting Victims Can Sue Gun Manufacturers
Hillary is parading around the campaign trail with her new gun control initiatives; she’s already happily floating the idea that she’ll bypass Congress and pass gun control legislation with executive orders as president… and she’s not even the actual nominee yet (we know she will be, but still). One bit …

Obama Gearing Up for Assault on Guns – If Elected Clinton Promises More of the Same!
Here it comes, folks. On Monday the White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing to take executive action on what he views as ‘America’s gun problem.’ The President is looking to write a series of executive actions that he believes will help us little people control ourselves, seeing as how our legislature has …

Executive Order to Illegally Impose Stricter Gun Laws Soon to Come
When Obama was unable to get immigration laws passed through Congress, he simply spoke new laws into existence, something the Constitution only invests Congress with the power to do. While that is tied up in court, he has basically commanded the DHS to stop arresting and deporting illegals. Now, with …

Virginia Reporter’s Father Joins Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group to Lead #WhateverItTakes Gun Control Rally In D.C.
Wow. That was fast. It’s only been two weeks (15 days to be exact). “I plan to devote all of my strength and resources to seeing that some good comes from this evil,” wrote Andy Parker in his recent Washington Post op-ed titled “My daughter was killed on live television. …

Deceptive Transformation: The Truth of Soviet Influence in America and Gun Control
Forward: If there is one thing that has become obvious when it comes to President Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” it is that there is without a doubt, an agenda to disarm American citizens and do away with the Second Amendment. Many Americans make the mistake of believing that this is Obama’s …

Owning a Car is 80% More Dangerous than Owning a Gun
While communist gun grabbers like Shannon Watts’ Moms Demand Action and Coalition to Stop Gun Violence would have us believe that we are in grave danger from Americans keeping and bearing arms, the facts continue to allude them. Not only do criminals not purchase their guns through gun stores nor …

Gun Control Advocates Prove They Are Abject Scum
As recently reported by Fox News, in response to more states relaxing rules regarding open-carry firearms laws, some in the gun control lobby have seen fit to put law-abiding gun owners in danger by urging people to call the police on anyone carrying a gun in public. “If you see …

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Shows Her Hypocrisy When it Comes to Gun Control
With the shooting incident in Virginia of a reporter, a cameraman, and the interviewee, gun control activists rabidly set about to attack the Second Amendment and those who support it. Everyone in America knows it is a predictable reaction to an incident where guns, the lack of gun control laws …

Obama Concedes that His Gun Laws Would not have Stopped Virginia Gunman
It was no surprise to anyone that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went after the 2nd Amendment after the tragedy in Virginia. Far be it from these disciples of Saul Alinsky to allow a crisis go to waste. They recognize an opportunity when they see it, and they took full advantage of this …