Posts Tagged

hillary clinton

Hillary is parading around the campaign trail with her new gun control initiatives; she’s already happily floating the idea that she’ll bypass Congress and pass gun control legislation with executive orders as president… and she’s not even the actual nominee yet (we know she will be, but still). One bit …

When Obama was unable to get immigration laws passed through Congress, he simply spoke new laws into existence, something the Constitution only invests Congress with the power to do.  While that is tied up in court, he has basically commanded the DHS to stop arresting and deporting illegals.  Now, with …

In what can only be described as the ravings of a lying lunatic, Hillary Clinton was captured in an audio recording at a New York campaign fundraiser blasting the Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association and the Supreme Court over the Second Amendment. During her rant she claims that she …

It was no surprise to anyone that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went after the 2nd Amendment after the tragedy in Virginia.  Far be it from these disciples of Saul Alinsky to allow a crisis go to waste.   They recognize an opportunity when they see it, and they took full advantage of this …

Within 24 hours of the murders of a Virginia reporter and her cameraman on Wednesday, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton both pushed unconstitutional agendas regarding arms. First, Obama came right out on que to promote his unconstitutional attack on the Second Amendment. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back …

Ever since September 2013, the day Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, I have been bothered by the complete disingenuous concern he presented and outright lies he told to those gathered to witness the signing, and the American people. Here’s the video of the …