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Gavin Newsom Wants Your Guns

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For a man who has his eyes on the U.S. presidency, California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is perfectly willing to smear millions of law-abiding Americans for wishing to defend their Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms.

And he’s even willing, unlike many in the gun-ban movement, to admit that he wants to confiscate guns from those law-abiding Americans.

In mid-December, on the five-year anniversary of the mass murder of students and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary, Newsom tweeted:

“It’s been 5 years since 20 first graders were shot dead at Sandy Hook.

Since then:
14 killed in San Bernardino
49 killed in Orlando
58 killed in Vegas
26 killed in a Texas church


We have a message for the @NRA: If you hurt people, we are coming for your guns.”

First, the gun control push after the Sandy Hook attack was comprised mainly of legislation that would have required background checks for all gun sales, not just sales by licensed dealers. Interestingly, in every one of the shootings Newsom focused on in his hateful, anti-nra tweet, the murderer had passed an fbi background check to purchase his firearm(s).

Newsom’s deceit on background checks aside, his personal attack on nra members is even more shameful. The vast majority of nra members have never hurt anyone with their guns, yet Newsom’s tweet would have you think just the opposite. And, as he admitted, “We are coming for your guns.”

As Democrats dance toward the 2020 presidential elections, it’ll be interesting to see if anyone can go further toward the anti-gun side than Newsom, who seeks to push the numerous restrictive gun laws that have so badly hurt the Second Amendment in California on the rest of the nation’s gun owners.

Article by America’s First Freedom

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