Home»Politics»2nd Amendment Grades for Alabama’s 2024 Political Candidates

2nd Amendment Grades for Alabama’s 2024 Political Candidates

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Grading Methodology for a Candidate’s Second Amendment Stance

Alabama’s candidates are graded based on their previous 2A voting records, public statements on their constituents owning firearms, and their willingness to focus on 2A issues. Given our research on this criteria, we’ve assigned the following grades to those running for office:

Claims to Support 2A Rights, Votes No to 2A Infringements, Makes Second Amendment Rights a Priority.

Does Not Support Gun Control Measures, is Not An Active Advocate Support for the Second Amendment.

Does Not Support All Gun Control Measures, Does Not Actively Introduce Anti-2A Legislation.

Actively Campaigns for Gun Control, Proposes New Gun Control Legislation.

Voting History Key:

We use these symbols throughout the article to show you how politicians voted on legislation that impacts your 2A rights.

  • anti2A
    An Act Against the 2nd Amendment
  • pro2A
    An Act in Support of the 2nd Amendment
  • voted YES

  • voted NO

  • voted YES (sponsor or co‑sponsor)

Politicians Running for Federal Office in 2024


Running for U.S. House District 2

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Voting History

  • pro2A
    Prohibits the Enforcement of Federal Firearm Regulations
  • pro2A
    Authorizes Concealed Handguns in Vehicles Without a Permit

Dick Brewbaker’s Second Amendment Stance

  • Does vote for pro-2A legislation.
  • Does not make Second Amendment rights a campaign priority.
  • Is not an outspoken advocate for 2A rights.

Most Important Issues

  • Economy
  • Border Control
  • Government Corruption


Dick Brewbaker supports pro-2A legislation but isn’t an active advocate for the right.


Running for U.S. House District 2

Caroleene Dobson’s Second Amendment Stance

  • Actively campaigns for Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
  • Is not an outspoken advocate for the Second Amendment.

Most Important Issues

  • Second Amendment
  • Immigration
  • Economy


Caroleen Dobson campaigns for Second Amendment rights but isn’t an outspoken proponent of pro-2A legislation.


Running for U.S. House District 7

Robin Litaker’s Second Amendment Stance

  • Does not advocate for Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
  • Does not prioritize pro-2A legislation.

Most Important Issues

  • Education
  • Security
  • Economy


Robin Litaker is not a pro-2A candidate but does not actively campaign for gun control.


Running for U.S. House District 7

Voting History

  • anti2A
    Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021
  • anti2A
    Assault Weapons Ban of 2022
  • anti2A
    Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

Terrycina Sewell’s Second Amendment Stance

  • Actively pursues federal legislation that infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
  • Does not campaign for gun control as a key issue.
  • Consistently votes for anti-2A legislation.

Most Important Issues

  • Healthcare
  • Voting Rights
  • Infrastructure


Terri Sewell does not actively campaign for gun control but does support Second Amendment rights infringements in legislation.

Politicians Running for State Office in 2024: Alabama

Alabama has 105 State House Districts and 35 State Senate Districts. The following districts are key battleground areas with less than a 5% margin of victory in prior elections.

Running for State House District 27

Stacy George


Allan Miller


Jeana Ross


Ammo.com endorses Stacy George for making pro-2A legislation a priority on the campaign trail.

More information on Alabama can be found here: “Most Gun Friendly States in 2024: Alabama” and “Alabama Gun & Ammo Laws: A Second Amendment Overview for Alabama Gun Owners.”

Article posted with permission from Ammo.com


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