Home»Commentary»Americans Want Current Laws Enforced, Not More Gun-Control

Americans Want Current Laws Enforced, Not More Gun-Control

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Americans want better enforcement of firearms laws already on the books, not stricter gun-control, according to the results of a recent poll conducted by Rasmussen.

The data shows that 63% of Americans believe the country needs stricter enforcement of existing gun-control laws. Specifically, more than half of those surveyed believed enforcement of existing laws would do more to reduce firearms-related crimes than new laws.

These numbers stand in contrast to just 26% of those surveyed who support passing even further gun-control measures. Simply put, more gun control is not the answer.

These poll results come just as President Joe Biden (D) recently reiterated his desire to pass a slew of new gun-control laws, including “universal” background checks, bans of some of the most-commonly owned firearms, and much more, all of which we have covered extensively.

The data is clear; Americans don’t want Biden’s gun-control agenda. Combine this data with the fact that more than five million people became new gun owners last year and it’s clear that Americans value this constitutional right.

Article by Garrett O’Leary, Associate Editor


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