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The APB has been put out. So-called constitutionalists, sovereign citizens, patriots and anyone else lumped into the ‘dissident’ category are under watch and preemptive suspicion. Even speaking back or mouthing off shows the kind of anti-authoritarian spirit that is being targeted. Such was the case in a tense stand off …

You know that part where people in the alternative media start asking if an event has been staged? How about when an event has a built-in agenda promoting tie-in all ready to go, complete with a Hollywood star to back said agenda? John Russell Houser, immediately portrayed in the media …

A Wisconsin clothing store owner opened fire on a group of attempted robbers last week and successfully defended both his business and his life. Rami Murrar, owner of Milwaukee-based Bouchards Clothing Store, posted video of the encounter to the company’s Instagram account Thursday with a stark warning to any other …

Earlier this month, an 18-year-old mechanical engineering student by the name of Austin Haughwout, posted a Youtube video of one of his projects. He managed to mount a semi-automatic pistol to a hobby drone, which he was capable of firing remotely. The brief 14 second video managed to go viral, …

Ever wonder how long you could shoot a fully automatic AK-47 until it turns into a big ball of fire or melts into a big metal glob? The old question of how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop has been replaced by …