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First Look: XS Sights R3D 2.0 Minimalist Tritium Night Sights

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XS Sights is now offering their new second generation R3D 2.0 and their Minimalist tritium night sights to fit select models of SIG Sauer, Springfield Armory and FN handguns with both standard and suppressor height sights.

With their bold bright green or bright orange front sight which easily contrast against the rest of the environment, the second generation R3D 2.0 Tritium Night Sights are intended for quick target acquisition when mounted on self-defense and carry guns. The bright material is designed to catch ambient light to make it glow even brighter and to also glow as much as possible in dimmer conditions. In full daylight the rear sight appears as a plain black rear sight allowing the eye to catch instead all of the brightness of the bright green or bright orange front sight. In darker, lower light conditions however, the rear sight has two smaller and dimmer tritium vials to help guide the eyes to the sights. The front sight also has a slightly larger single tritium vial for easy acquisition in darker conditions. Tritium vials are guaranteed to glow for up to 12 years.

Minimalist sights are similar in form and function to the second generation R3D 2.0 Tritium Night Sights, as the front sight of the pair also has a bright photoluminescent bright green or orange glow dot. However, the rear sight is a true serrated plain black rear unit which lacks the pair of tritium vials leaving the focus solely on the front sight.

R3D 2.0 front and rear sight sets retail for $132 for standard height and $143 for suppressor height sets (which can be accommodated for guns that use slide mounted electronic red dot sights). Minimalist sets retail for $60 for the standard and $70 for suppressor height pairs. Both the R3D and Minimalist rear sights have a built-in ledge to make one handed handgun racking easier, and both are available with an either bright green or bright orange photoluminescent glow dot.

To learn more about specific handgun compatibility, please visit xssights.com.



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