Home»Commentary»Florida: House Passes Constitutional Carry

Florida: House Passes Constitutional Carry

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Today, the House voted 76-32 to pass House Bill 543, the constitutional carry bill. It will now go to the Senate for further consideration. Please contact your state senator and ask them to SUPPORT HB 543.

House Bill 543, constitutional carry, strengthens the right to self-defense in Florida by recognizing the right of any law-abiding adult who is at least 21-years-old and legally eligible to obtain a carry permit, to carry a handgun without first having to obtain government permission. This ensures that citizens have their right to self-defense without red tape, delays, or fees. It does not change who is eligible to obtain a carry permit. It also does not affect previously issued permits, and allows citizens who still wish to obtain a permit in order to carry in other states recognizing Florida’s permits, to do so.

Your NRA would like to thank lead sponsor Representative Chuck Brannan for bringing this important legislation and Speaker Paul Renner for his exceptional leadership through the process.

Again, please contact your state senator and ask them to SUPPORT HB 543.

Article by NRA-ILA


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