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Gun Owners of America, another gun lobby, said in a statement on Twitter that it “will challenge these unconstitutional laws in court to defend the rights of all Americans.”

Read More at The Epoch Times

Daily Wire, June 25, 2022

Gun Owners of America (GOA) said that the legislation “would encourage Backdoor Universal Background Checks by redefining many private sellers as gun dealers, financially incentivize states to enact unconstitutional ‘red-flag’ laws, and would allow for so-called ‘enhanced background checks,’ which are arbitrary delays in transferring firearms to adults not yet 21 years-old.”

“Once again, so-called ‘conservative’ Senators are making clear they believe that the rights of American citizens can be compromised away,” Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, said.

Read More at Daily Wire

The Washington Post, June 25, 2022

Hard-line groups such as the Gun Owners of America and the National Association for Gun Rights spurred their members to action, but the NRA remained silent as the talks wore on, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s trade organization, offered guarded support. Behind the scenes, representative of those organizations were in touch with Republican senators and staff involved in the deal. But lawmakers had decided they would have input, not a veto.

Read More at The Washington Post

West Virginia LootPress, June 25, 2022

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) vowed to continue the fight after both chambers of Congress passed their sweeping “bipartisan” gun control package. The bill passed the Senate late Thursday evening without any opportunity for amendments to even be considered, and Speaker Pelosi quickly ushered passage through the House earlier today. President Biden is expected to sign the unconstitutional legislation into law.

Among other alarming provisions, the bill will encourage the Biden Administration to implement backdoor universal background checks, financially incentivize “red flag” gun confiscation laws at the state level, and establish unconstitutional waiting periods for 18-20-year-old adults who wish to purchase a firearm.

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement: 

“On the heels of a landmark ruling that restored the historic rights of gun owners across the country, Democrats teamed up with RINO Republicans to pass the most radical gun control package in a generation.  Our leadership in Washington has utterly failed, and the so-called Republican legislators who voted for this bill have revealed their true feelings about you God-given rights.

To quote from the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday, and from over a decade ago, the Second Amendment is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.’

The fight has just begun, and GOA and our partners stand ready to defeat this unconstitutional package in court, and to ensuring that the Republicans who helped pass this abomination, many of whom hail from the most pro-gun states in the nation, are never given the privilege of serving in elected office again.”

Read More at LootPress

WesternJournal.com, June 25, 2022

Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, noted that the passage of the bill came days after Second Amendment rights were upheld by the Supreme Court.

“On the heels of a landmark ruling that restored the historic rights of gun owners across the country, Democrats teamed up with RINO Republicans to pass the most radical gun control package in a generation,” he said in a statement.

“The fight has just begun, and GOA and our partners stand ready to defeat this unconstitutional package in court, and to ensuring that the Republicans who helped pass this abomination, many of whom hail from the most pro-gun states in the nation, are never given the privilege of serving in elected office again.”

Read More at Western Journal

Pennsylvania Levittown Now, June 26, 2022

The Gun Owners of America in Pennsylvania, which describes itself as a “no-compromise gun lobby” group, called Republicans who supported the Safer Communities Act “traitors.”

Article by Media Outlets 


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