Well, we have already reported on Donald Trump’s corrupt Attorney General pick, Pam Bondi, and we’ve also made mention of her unconstitutional, anti-American, anti-Second Amendment positions and her sneak, lawless attempts to attack the rights of the people.  This week, she is to be before the US Senate to see …

The gun rights movement has been optimistic since the Supreme Court issued its 2022 NYSRPA v. Bruen ruling. This case shot down the state of New York’s “may issue” concealed carry licensing laws that enabled the government to decide who was fit to exercise their Second Amendment rights. The case also struck …

In this video, Armed Scholar discusses new statements by the ATF claiming to still be able to enforce the pistol brace rule despite current nationwide blocks!    Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  

And people continue to think of these people as “law enforcers.”  They are not.  They are pretending to be that.  The People are the law enforcers, period (Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15-16).  Now we have a dead gun owner because the agents of the state, who were looking for …

Welcome to 2025, and for some of you that is a very bad thing when it comes to your gun laws, and for others, News Year’s Day brings new gun rights. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, gives a quick overview of some of the gun laws that went into …

In this video, Armed Scholar breaks down a critical concealed carry reciprocity bill introduced by Congress!    Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  

In this video, Armed Scholar breaks down a win against a state’s permit requirement & magazine ban which was struck down. Now critical appeals take place!    Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  

In this video, Armed Scholar breaks down an important order just issued by the Supreme Court in a critical Second Amendment case!    Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  

Why does the Armed Scholar no longer recommend USCCA and why he is now working with Attorneys On Retainer. Use code ARMEDSCHOLAR and receive $50 off your individual sign-up fee or $25 off your family plan sign-up fee.      Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow …

In this video, Armed Scholar discusses critical Second Amendment cases including a unanimous Supreme Court order on warrantless search and seizures!    Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.