Home»US News»‘SIT DOWN’: Biden Shouts Down Father Of Murdered Parkland Shooting Victim To Listen After Gun Confiscation Speech Interruption

‘SIT DOWN’: Biden Shouts Down Father Of Murdered Parkland Shooting Victim To Listen After Gun Confiscation Speech Interruption

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Talk about a cold-hearted, demented tyrant! Treasonous Joe Biden shouted down the father of a Parkland shooting victim after the man called out his lawless actions.

Take a look.

Manuel Oliver, whose son Joaquin was killed in 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, interrupted Biden who was pushing his Communist-style, unlawful, unconstitutional gun confiscation agenda.

“The word CELEBRATION has no space in a society that saw 19 kids massacred just a month ago,” Oliver tweeted before the commemoration. “‘Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.’ Not me, not Joaquin.”

Biden told him to be quiet and sit down.

“Sit down you’ll hear what I have to say,” Biden said.

“We have one. Let me finish my comment. Let me talk,” Biden added.

Biden has been talking for years. We know he doesn’t have a solution, only rhetoric and lawlessness. His response to Mr. Oliver demonstrates that he does not see himself as a public servant but as a tyrant. It’s time the People toppled the tyrant and brought him to swift justice.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media


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