Home»Commentary»The Armed Citizen® Oct. 30, 2023

The Armed Citizen® Oct. 30, 2023

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Armed Citizen® Today

A 30-year-old suspected burglar is dead after confronting an armed homeowner in Phoenix, Ariz., who opened fire on the intruder to defend his property and his young family.

Police say the suspect forced his way into the home just before 11 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5. A neighbor heard the man pounding and then a window being broken, which enabled the intruder to enter the house. Shortly after the banging, the neighbor heard a gunshot. The home intruder was taken to a hospital, where he later died. A Fox 10 news report stated the homeowner lived in the residence with a spouse and two young daughters.

A neighbor told reporters the area “has a crime problem of sorts.”

“There’s homeless that hang out all around there. They go in the alley. We’ve had incidents with them trying to make homes in the alley, or someone throwing rocks at our house. I’ve had to call police on stuff like that,” the man told Fox 10. Police have made no arrests in the case. (FOX 10 Phoenix; Phoenix, Ariz.; 10/05/23)

From the Armed Citizen® Archives – January 1959

A fusillade from proprietor Albert Canton’s licensed pistol greeted two gunmen when they attempted to rob his New York candy store. Blood spatter indicated hits on the fleeing thugs by the owner’s six shots. (World-Telegram)

Article by NRA STAFF


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