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“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788 I just took some time this last Saturday to go with a friend to a gun course.  For 2 ½ …

The attacks on the People and their right to keep and bear arms are simply out of control and these people in positions of authority, many of them have usurped authority, must be brought to justice. While the news is focused on the New Mexico governor, she is not the …

As The Beast-like District of Criminals continue their attacks on the rights of the People in the united States of America, they also continue to arm the agents of the state, including the Internal Revenue Service.  Though they demonize automatic weapons, as well as semi-automatic weapons, they arm these thugs …

What you NEED TO KNOW About the UN Gun Meeting Next Week! – YouTube A funny thing is happening concerning the second amendment. On one hand, we are witnessing the strengthening of gun rights as SCOTUS’ Bruen V. NYSRPA ruling has set a new standard detailing how gun laws are …

When horrible events happen, people want to know why. Why was a random group of people targeted to have their innocent day destroyed by violence and terror? Why did the culprit choose that group of victims, that day on the calendar, that specific location? And who? Who was the mastermind behind the event? …

South Africa, which was largely populated and built up by Dutch Reformed Christians, has been under attack from a racist government for many years.  Land has been stolen from the white farmers and many of them have been attacked and murdered and their land taken after Nelson Mandela seized power …

On June 27, a nine-month pregnant woman took down a would be armed robber when he tried to control her at a Houston gas station. In the clip below, the woman can be seen talking to the man who gets out of his car and steps up on the inside …

John Lott, founder and CEO of the Crime Prevention Research Center, takes on a “fact” now being used by gun-control groups, and all the media members who repeat their “facts” without challenging them, that 18-20 year olds are particularly dangerous. Gun-control groups, and politicians who want to ban and onerously …

A mother and her daughter defended themselves with their own handguns after a would-be robber entered their family-owned liquor store with a sawed-off shotgun in an attempt to rob them. On Thursday evening, Tyrone Lee, 36, entered Forest Acres Liquor Store and held Tina Ring, 53, and her daughter Ashley …

“Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.” It has been rightly said that every country deserves the government that it has in place (Galatians 6:7). How true! What is sad to say is that in America, “We the People” …