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World News
Paris Terror And An Armed Citizenry
Ten minutes doesn’t seem like a long time, does it? And yet it can be an eternity in a crisis. Survivors of the terror attack at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris have described a scene of almost unthinkable horror: ISIS terrorists firing off bursts from their fully automatic firearms …
Bloomberg’s Lackeys Tweet Solace to Unarmed Victims of Paris Attacks … Some of Them, Anyway
On Friday, Nov. 13, Islamic terrorists carried out a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, France, that left (at last count) 129 people dead. Their weapons included explosive suicide vests and Kalashnikov rifles. These weapons – as well as murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping, trespass, smuggling, terrorism, and virtually every other …
Anti-gun Politicians, Media Exploit Paris Attacks in “Terrorist Gap” Rehash
The Paris terrorist attacks were not easily pinned on America’s supposedly lax gun laws or the NRA, but that didn’t stop exploitative assaults on America’s law-abiding gun owners and those who support them. While some media sources did ruefully acknowledge that Paris already has highly restrictive gun control and that …

Did Australia And Great Britain See Lower Gun Violence After Mass Confiscation?
Only days after mass shooting at the community college in Oregon, President Obama said that the United States needs to follow the lead of Great Britain and Australia—nations that instituted large scale gun bans and confiscation after mass shootings on their soil. So would it work here? Maybe the more …

Europeans Scramble for Guns Amid Islamic Immigrant Invasion: “Long Guns Sold Out”
After decades of berating Americans for their constitutionally protected right to bear arms, Europeans are finally starting to wake up. It took over a million Islamic immigrants and violence across their union to convince them, but it appears that they finally get it. In Austria, the scramble for self-defense firearms …

Austrians Arm Themselves Against Muslim Invaders
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed — Second Amendment, Constitution of the united States of America In the simplest and clearest of language, our founders set forth a requirement for …

Despite Massive Gun Bans, Study Claims Britain at Risk for More Mass Shootings
In America, the anti-gun crowd is constantly calling for more sensible gun control laws. Most of them won’t demand an outright ban and confiscation of everything, but they will say that we need more thorough background checks, longer waiting periods, shorter magazines, etc. To them, it’s all very reasonable. Make …

Apparently, This Muslim Didn’t Learn Gun Safety – And It Cost a Child His Life
Islamists are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. If you have seen any of the footage of them handling weapons, and I’m not talking about against unarmed, handcuffed victims, then you are aware of what these people often do. A recent video uploaded to YouTube will demonstrate what I’m …

Here Comes the Small Arms Treaty Again
Recently, we witnessed the circus that is the United States Senate completely surrender its constitutional powers to the executive branch. Last November, we went to the polls and handed the Republican establishment the largest majority it has had in decades, only to watch them capitulate to the Obama regime on …

Australia to Allow “Controversial” Lever Action Shotgun
In a clear demonstration of just how far anti-gunners will go and how convoluted they will make their arguments, gun ban advocates in Australia have been pushing to permanently ban a lever action shotgun that is based on technology that is over 150 years old. The gun, made by Adler …