Home»Commentary»Did Anyone Else Notice The Similarities In The NZ Shooting Story & The Texas Church Shooting?

Did Anyone Else Notice The Similarities In The NZ Shooting Story & The Texas Church Shooting?

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When I first got around to reading about the Texas church shooting that took place on Sunday, there were a couple of things that stood out to me, but I admit that I sort of put them in the back of my mind.  I didn’t correlate them to the shooting that allegedly took place in New Zealand last year, you remember, the shooting in which if you posted the video anywhere on the internet, governments were going to shut down your internet structure because it was blatantly fabricated?  Well, there are some similarities in the story, and one man has brought those to light.

Christopher Watson of High Impact Vlogs posted additional similarities than the initial ones I noticed.

Take a look.

In New Zealand, the alleged perpetrator was Brandon Terrant and in Texas, the shooting took place in the county of Tarrant.

In New Zealand, the city was Christchurch, and in Texas, the name of the church was West Freeway Church of Christ.

The motivation we are told of the alleged shooting in New Zealand was “white supremacism” and in Texas, the city’s name is “White Settlement.”

Both shootings are said to have occurred in places of worship, a mosque and a church.

Both shootings were livestreamed over the internet.

Additionally, the hometown of the alleged shooter in New Zealand was Grafton, Australia and there was also a stabbing just a day before the shooting in Texas by a perpetrator named Grafton Thomas.

There are a couple of major differences though.  In the NZ shooting, a guy was clearly out to murder while in the Texas shooting there was a man out to murder, but there were those who were there to stop him.

Additionally, we don’t have governments attempting to stop the video from being aired of the shooting, even though there seem to be some issues as far as someone being shot with a shotgun at fairly close range and not blood is seen in the video and the third shot that takes the criminal out sounds identical as the shotguns blasts.

Now, look, I’m not claiming that it all means anything, but I’m not so dull to the methods used in propaganda to get the mind to join the two events together for a common purpose, even though in the Texas event what was being positioned was that while criminals with guns are bad, good people armed with guns can stop the bad guys, and that should be the real takeaway.

However, notice what the guy in the video begins to point out about the Lt. Governor in Texas says, what the police chief says, and then the pastor, who thanks those in authority for “granting” them permission to do what we all have the God-given right to do in the first place.

This is telling and it’s exactly why government has no business in restricting or regulating our arms in any way.

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

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