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Firearm Suppressor Bill Filed in Iowa

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Article first appeared at NRAmedia.org

NRAmedia – Under the leadership of state Representatives Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley) and Terry Baxter (R-Garner),House File 2043 has been formally introduced in the Iowa General Assembly for the 2016 session.

The legislative language mirrors that of the omnibus firearms bill that failed to pass the Iowa Senate in 2015.  HF 2043 will be a stand-alone piece of legislation and is expected to have mass support in the General Assembly.  It is imperative that sportsmen and women from across Iowa voice their support for this legislation and put pressure on the Iowa Senate to finally pass a bill giving law-abiding gun owners the opportunity to own and use suppressors.

The arguments used to fight against this legislation are incredibly misleading.  The fact is that Iowa is way behind other states in allowing the possession and use of suppressors.  Forty-one states allow possession of suppressors, while thirty-seven of those states allow for their use while hunting.

The National Rifle Association has long been an advocate for suppressor use and applauds the work being done in Iowa to advance this piece of legislation.  The NRA has continued its pursuit of this measure because of the health and safety benefits of suppressors.

Suppressors help increase accuracy by reducing felt recoil and shot “flinch.”  Beginners to shooting sports adhere to a quicker learning curve on average because the muffled sound equates to increased focus and concentration on proper shooting mechanics.  Most importantly, suppressors reduce shooters’ risk of hearing damage, which can occur when discharging a firearm without the proper hearing protection.  In addition, suppressors can help reduce noise complaints from neighbors, particularly in more densely populated areas.

HF 2043 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee and is likely to be sent before a subcommittee in the coming days.  Your NRA will keep you abreast to what occurs in Des Moines as it relates to this legislative opportunity.

To voice your support for HF 2043, please contact your legislators by clicking here.  With your help, suppressors will become legal in the Hawkeye State.


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