Home»Video»Look What Happens When Frenchman Goes for His Gun after being Attacked by Muslim “Refugees”

Look What Happens When Frenchman Goes for His Gun after being Attacked by Muslim “Refugees”

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The people of Europe continue to cower in fear as their governments’ refuse to act in their defense, and the signs of stress are beginning to show.

The latest polls show that an overwhelming majority of Germans believe that the government has already allowed in far too many refugees, and the once idyllic nation of Sweden is now the rape capital of the civilized world.

In France, not only have the people been forced to suffer the growing concerns of terrorism, they’ve also dealt with a sudden spike in crime rates, usually reserved for 2nd and 3rd world nations.

A recent video from France shows just how crazy things in Europe have become.
Watch as a group of French pedestrians are confronted and then attacked by a group of refugees who are unwilling to allow them to walk by. The crowd of refugees begins throwing rocks at the passersby, then threatening them with knives and bats! Fortunately, one of the pedestrians was armed with a concealed firearm, and only the threat of being shot held the violent criminals at bay.

Show this video anytime a gun grabber tries to argue that law abiding citizens don’t need guns.

If it hadn’t been for this one man carrying a concealed firearm… the situation might have become a bloodbath.

*Article by Onan Coca


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