Home»US News»Man with Machete Shot 3 Times as He Literally Kicks Through Locked Door

Man with Machete Shot 3 Times as He Literally Kicks Through Locked Door

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In February of last year a man in the town of Pocatello, Idaho made a very big mistake. 54-year old Twain Thomas’s lawyer says that he suffers from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that he doesn’t actually remember the events of the night in question… but a judge ruled that Thomas would be jailed regardless of the defense.

What led to Thomas’s incarceration?

On February 22, 2014 a commotion in an apartment complex in Pocatello made residents James Cvengros and Kaila Gearhart very concerned. They heard a lot of noise form an upstairs apartment, then noticed shattering glass flying all over the cars in the nearby parking lot. That’s when they turned on their digital camera to make sure they recorded what was happening around them. At some point the couple realized that the commotion was moving towards their apartment, and that’s when the video gets very interesting.

Twain Thomas is seen in the video kicking in the couple’s front door before advancing at them with a machete in his hands. The entire time the couple can both be heard telling him to leave and that they are armed. Thomas doesn’t seem to register any of this as he continued to advance on them – which is when Cvengros fired his gun at almost point blank range, bringing Thomas down.

The intruder can then be heard moaning as Cvengros tells him to stay down and that he had already contacted police and they were on their way.

The video also records Thomas admitting that he would have killed the couple had they not shot him.

A note of warning – the video is terrifying. It may not be suitable for all eyes.

So there you have it–more evidence that guns save lives.

The facts are overwhelmingly clear – guns in the hands of law abiding citizens actually save lives – so why do liberals continue to fight against our gun rights? The only logical conclusion that we can come to in the gun debate is that liberals yearn for power. They want power over the government, so they can exercise power over the people. The only thing standing between them and absolute domination of the population is that pesky 2nd Amendment – which never existed in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain, and other totalitarian regimes where the people were subjugated.

It’s time to face the facts, folks. The 2nd Amendment isn’t about hunting, it’s about ensuring the safety and freedom of the American people from an overreaching government.

Article by Onan Coca, courtesy of Freedom Outpost.


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