Home»US News»Marine Corps Special Operator Arrested By Capitol Police For Loaded Handgun

Marine Corps Special Operator Arrested By Capitol Police For Loaded Handgun

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Capitol Police arrested a Marine Raider after finding a loaded .45 caliber handgun in Gunnery Sgt. Peter Boby’s car Tuesday during a routine sweep.

Boby is part of the Marine Corps congressional fellows program and was attempting to get to the office of GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, to whom he’s been assigned since January.

The arrest occurred after officers searched Boby’s car while he was preparing to enter a secure area at Washington Avenue and C Street SW. Capitol Police spokeswoman Lt. Kimberly Schneider told National Journal that the charges consist of carrying an unregistered firearm with unregistered ammunition and not possessing a license for the pistol.

The fellows program, which consists of 10 Marines, allows eligible candidates to work in Congress for a session. First, program participants receive training through the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University, and second, Marines then move on to work either on the House or Senate side of Congress.

Hunter immediately reacted to the news of Boby’s arrest, telling Roll Call that Boby is “a hero who’s seen combat, who’s been wounded and who’s been in good standing with the Marine Corps throughout. We are still getting the facts but this was most likely an accident. There’s no reason to suggest it was intentional.”

Marine Raiders consist of the three battalions within Marine Corps Special Operations Command and are among the most proficient warfighters in the Corps.

“He’s a marine first and foremost,” Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Hunter, added. “And his fellowship is part of his assigned duties as a U.S. Marine. So a lot will depend on the considerations given by the Marine Corps once the facts are available and Representative Hunter will also look at those same facts too.”

This isn’t the first time someone has ended up in hot water of firearms at the Capitol. An intern for Rep. Lynn Jenkins was apprehended with an unloaded handgun in June when he was attempting to enter the Longworth House Office Building.

A year ago, Rep. Tom Marino’s press secretary was arrested for trying to bring in an unloaded handgun.

*Article by Jonah Bennett


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