New Hampshire: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Public Hearing
On Friday, January 27th, NRA members and Second Amendment supporters in the Granite State are invited to attend, and participate in, public hearings on two anti-gun bills being heard by the House State-Federal Relations & Veterans Affairs and the House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committees.
Please contact committee members now and ask them to OPPOSE HR 8 and HB 158!
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House State-Federal Relations & Veterans Affairs Committee
House Resolution 8 urges Congress to pass an “assault weapons ban.” While no specifics are outlined in the resolution, gun grabbers continue to advocate for bans on standard equipment for commonly-owned firearms that many Americans and Granite Staters legally and effectively use for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as self-defense or competition.
The public hearing for HR 8 will take place at 9:30 AM in the Legislative Office Building, Room 206-208.
House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee
House Bill 158 bans “ammunition designed and intended to penetrate armor plating or ballistic vests.” This legislation is duplicative and unneeded. Federal law already prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale or delivery of “armor-piercing” ammunition with very few exceptions.
The public hearing for HB 158 will take place at 2:15 PM in the Legislative Office Building, Room 202 – 204.
Again, if you are unable to attend the public hearings, please click the take action button above to ask committee members to OPPOSE House Resolution 8 and House Bill 158!
Article by NRA-ILA
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