Home»World News»New Zealand Bans ‘Assault Rifles’ – Just As Terrorist Hoped For & Predicted

New Zealand Bans ‘Assault Rifles’ – Just As Terrorist Hoped For & Predicted

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On Wednesday, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the “first tranche” in a number of moves to restrict the rights of New Zealand citizens to protect themselves with firearms. This move was in direct response to the horrific murders that unfolded on March 15. Coincidentally, this is the exact move the terrorist suspected of carrying out these attacks had hoped for and predicted.

The terrorist who murdered 50 people last week is engaging in a classic propaganda of the deed in which he predicted—accurately—that his murder would spark the restriction of gun rights. Lawmakers took his bait.

“On 15 March, our history changed forever. Now, our laws will too,” said Ardern as she carried out the will of this terrorist. “We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our gun laws and make our country a safer place.”

“What we’re banning today are the things used in last Friday’s attack,” she said, adding: “It’s about all of us, it’s in the national interest and it’s about safety.”

According to a report by FOX:

The law is expected to be introduced in Parliament at the beginning of next month. The government is seeking to prevent the stockpiling of firearms by making it illegal to possess the banned weapons as of Thursday.

The ban covers firearms considered to be military-style semi-automatics and assault rifles, particularly semi-automatic firearms and shotguns capable of being used with a detachable magazine that hold more than five cartridges.


The terrorist who carried out these horrific acts did so with the hopes of garnering support for his cause while further dividing the political spectrum in hopes to start a revolution.

These tactics are known as propaganda of the deed which are usually violent actions including bombings and murders meant to force the ruling class to strip the citizens of their rights to ignite the spirit of revolt.

Now, as law abiding citizens turn in their guns, those sympathetic to this terrorist’s cause will hold on to their’s and the government has acted in de facto support of his movement. And yes, this terrorist has a lot of support.

The race war he intended to kick off with his murderous actions is not only garnering support from government actions to ban guns but the media is playing right into his hands as well.

As the media associates this terrorist with the people he name dropped while live-streaming the shooting, the more they will push people into extremes.

The media is buying into all the associations made by this terrorist and are doing exactly what he wanted—further polarizing groups of people which will inevitably garner support for his sick cause.

We can rest assured that the mainstream media will not mention how censorship and repression help to inspire such acts of violence either. As John F. Kennedy said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Sadly, as social media and mainstream media continue to repress and censor freedom of communication, this problem will likely get worse.

The terrorist had hundreds of people espousing their support for him on 8chan, up to and including praising the slaughter of children and labeling his violence as an act of heroism. Rest assured that as censorship and stereotyping of “white nationalists” continue, these people will turn from supporters into actors and this terrorist knew this.

To understand how this propaganda of the deed works, imagine the increase in Muslim terrorism if the Koran were banned or if Muslims were banned from certain countries—which was actually proposed by this government. Now, imagine what happens when “white nationalists” are pushed to the darkest depths of the internet for espousing peaceful, albeit often stupid, beliefs as murderous scum like the New Zealand terrorist have the media and government do their bidding for them.

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists have been fading away for years. Their ranks were diminishing and their tactics and mission of supremacy based on skin color had become laughable. However, in the past few years, a new faction, ironically spearheaded by the left, began to act as a recruiting tool for white nationalism.

Anti-white rhetoric has fueled hatred and served as a catalyst in the growing movement of white nationalist socialists. By concentrating on skin color — instead of a person’s character — a massive “anti-white” movement was born and pushed through the mainstream media, and thus the dying white supremacy movement was given new life.

Hate groups in the US grew from 784 in 2014 to 892 in 2015, a 14 percent increase, according to 2016 data by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Ku Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred.

As David Marcus pointed out in a hard-hitting piece for the Federalist, white people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.

We are now seeing the inevitable result of such irresponsible practices of race shaming. As whites — who may have been on the verge of racism — sat back and watched the mainstream media chastise their skin color and associate them with people like the New Zealand terrorist, they eventually reached a tipping point. Charlottesville was an example of what happens when this state-sponsored and media supported divide is pushed on the populace.

Making it impossible for people to engage in civil discourse is the opposite of what needs to happen. The only way to fight this extremist ideology is through allowing more communication—not less. But this is not happening.

Sadly, the media and the government have no idea that they have all played right into the hands of this New Zealand terrorist. Rest assured, however, that he does.

Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist

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