Court Decision, Drug Lord’s Capture Illustrate Ongoing Fallout of Operation Fast & Furious
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – A sharp memory and respect for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms go hand in hand. The Second Amendment, after all, was written by those who had only recently fought their way to independence from a tyrannical monarchy that had ceased to recognize American …
Judge Rules against Obama’s Use of Executive Privilege on Fast and Furious
It appears that Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah has once again acted wrong in the keeping of records about the notorious and criminal Operation Fast and Furious from Congress by executive privilege. On Tuesday, US District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson determined that Obama’s use of executive privilege was not …
Schiff Pushes to Hold Gun Makers Liable for Criminals Using Guns in Crimes
With the three-ring circus that surrounds this presidential election cycle and the corruption inside the Beltway, America has become an embarrassment. Candidates are engaging in tit-for-tat verbal jabs indicative of six year olds fighting over a Pop Tart. Hussein Soetoro continues his boldface lying to the American public while violating …
Another Strange Week In Southeast Asia
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – Not too long ago, American Warrior looked at a strange confluence of events in Southeast Asia. Little did we expect to find another quite so soon, nor in the same locale, but the calendar is what it is: The second week in January (the …
Carry Care—Cleaning And Lubrication
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – Once you settle on a carry firearm, a close second to learning how to use it well and safely is learning how to care for it well and safely. Experts might reasonably disagree on a hierarchy for such care, but Carry Life is going …
Actually, Congress Did Take Action; They Said No
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – The idea perpetuated by anti-gunners—even some within President Barack Obama’s own administration—that the president’s executive action on guns is necessary because Congress has “failed” in addressing gun violence is just another figment of gun-banners’ imagination. Josh Earnest, the president’s press secretary, made the claim …
Why Do People Think That Gun Rights Have Expired?
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – Have you seen this on Facebook or Twitter lately? “The Founding Fathers couldn’t have imagined a world with semi-automatic weapons, therefore the Second Amendment is outdated.” If that’s true, I doubt the Founders could’ve envisioned social media and smartphones either, so does that mean …
The Armed Citizen® The 1980s
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – While those bent on restricting private gun ownership like to claim that firearms are seldom used successfully in self-defense, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s not a new phenomenon at all, but has been occurring for decades. Following are 10 …
The Truth About Internet Gun Sales
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – When President Barack Obama took to the national airwaves last week to call the 5 million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association “liars,” it was actually the Prevaricator in Chief himself who spoke a litany of half-truths, deceptions, inaccuracies and outright lies. Perhaps …
Fighting Gun Owners, Ignoring ISIS
Article first appeared at NRAmedia – We should probably get one thing straight. It’s not the case that President Barack Obama is doing literally nothing about the threat posed by ISIS—or ISIL, or Daesh, or whatever you prefer to call the murderous thugs trying to carve out their own state …