Rasmussen’s Bad News For Gun-Banners
Article first appeared at America’s 1st Freedom.
While anti-gun organizations and gun-ban politicians push a constant barrage of misinformation claiming their views are “mainstream,” a brand-new Rasmussen Poll released last week once again shows just the opposite.
Two main findings, according to Rasmussen: Record firearm sales are being spurred by those buying guns for self-defense, and the majority of Americans don’t believe it is too easy to buy a gun.
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That’s no surprise to most A1F Daily readers. But it’s sure to irritate some on the anti-gun side of the debate.
The issue of the ease of buying guns is a good example. Gun-banners would have you think you can order a machine gun over the Internet and have it delivered directly to your house the next day. Of course, that’s not true—and most Americans know it. In fact, most do not think it is “too easy to get a gun.”
Rasmussen asked the question: “Is it too easy or too hard to buy a gun in the United States today? Or is the level of difficulty about right?” Less than half of those polled gave the answer, “Too easy.”Gun-banners would have you think you can order a machine gun over the Internet and have it delivered directly to your house the next day
In total, 44 percent of respondents said it is too easy to buy a gun in this country. Another 11 percent say it’s too hard, and 36 percent consider the level of difficulty about right.
Breaking it down by party affiliation yields no surprises. Of course, a full 64 percent of Democrats believe it is too easy to buy a gun in the United States, while only 28 percent of Republicans and 36 percent of those not affiliated with either major political party agree.
Another important finding should particularly draw the ire of Shannon Watts, head of Bloomberg’s anti-gun Moms Against whatever. As we’ve told you before, in a 2014 CNN appearance, Watts was speaking about the concept of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun when she said: “This has never happened. Data shows it doesn’t happen.”
According to Rasmussen, the American public doesn’t buy Watts’ false claim. The poll asked: “What is the main reason most people purchase a gun—self-defense, to commit a criminal act, for job purposes, some other reason?”
A whopping 66 percent believe self-defense is the main reason most people purchase a gun, while just 5 percent think they make such a purchase to commit a criminal act. A miniscule 1 percent say it’s for job purposes, and 22 percent say most people buy a gun for some other reason.
My takeaway: Don’t ever believe the gun-haters when they claim they are the majority, because they’re not. If you stand on the side of the Second Amendment, you stand on the side of freedom. Don’t let Michael Bloomberg, Hillary Clinton, Shannon Watts or anyone else convince you otherwise.
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