Home»US News»Russian Roulette in St Louis: Off-Duty Cop Shot & Killed By On Duty Cop At Home With Another On Duty Cop Present

Russian Roulette in St Louis: Off-Duty Cop Shot & Killed By On Duty Cop At Home With Another On Duty Cop Present

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In St. Louis, questions now abound and two different investigations have begun on how a 24-year-old female off-duty police officer was shot and killed at the home of a male on-duty police officer with another on-duty police officer present.  At first, the shooting was assumed to have been an accident, but upon further investigation, one of the officers was charged with involuntary manslaughter as the two were… playing Russian Roulette.

Katlyn Alix was shot in the chest at around 1:00 am on Thursday morning while at the house of a 29-year-old on-duty male police officer.  Another 29-year-old male on-duty police officer was also present in the home.

According to reports, the three were friendly and had worked together previously at St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) over two years ago.

After Alix was shot, she was taken to St. Louis University Hospital in a police vehicle where she was pronounced dead.

The SLMPD issued a statement on her death.

The obvious question should be why are two on-duty cops at home?  The other question would be, why would an off-duty female cop, who is married but doesn’t have children, at their house at 1 am?

RT reported:

The SLMPD and the circuit attorney’s office are conducting parallel investigations.

“This is a tragic situation. The family of officer Alix deserves a complete, objective and thorough investigation of this incident. My office is approaching this criminal investigation with the highest level of seriousness and urgency,” St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner said in a statement.

The Ethical Society of Police has already called the shooting “reckless and avoidable” and has called for charges to be filed against the perpetrator.

Don Re, who trained Alix – a military vet before she joined the force – at the police academy, said that she was a tough student behind a shy exterior, and was marked by her “compassion” for the cases she encountered, as well as a love for people and animals. Re added in a blog post that she was a “stand out” recruit.

The following report indicates that once

“Officer Alix was an enthusiastic and energetic young woman with a bright future ahead of her,” St. Louis Police Chief John Hayden said.

USA Today adds that the police officers were playing Russian Roulette.

A St. Louis police officer was charged with manslaughter Friday for allegedly shooting a colleague as the two played Russian roulette, authorities said.

Officer Nathaniel Hendren, 29, shot Officer Katlyn Alix, 24, in his apartment in the city’s Carondelet neighborhood early Thursday in the presence of a third officer, police said.

Hendren was charged with involuntary manslaughter and armed criminal action, police said. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

Hendren emptied the cylinder of the revolver and then put one cartridge back in, police said in a probable cause statement. He spun the cylinder, pointed it away and pulled the trigger, but the gun did not fire.

Alix then took the gun, pointed it at Hendren and pulled the trigger without it firing, police said.

Hendren’s partner told Hendren and Alix “that they shouldn’t be playing with guns and that they were police officers,” police said in the statement.

“He felt uncomfortable with them playing with guns and didn’t want to have any part of it and started to leave.”

Hendren took the gun back and pulled the trigger.

“As (Hendren’s partner) left the room but before leaving the apartment, he heard a shot,” police said.

Alix was struck in the chest.

Hendren and his partner used police radio to report an officer in need of aid and rushed Alix to St. Louis University Hospital. She was pronounced dead soon after arriving at the hospital.

Just remember, these people were patrolling your streets St. Louis.  Is this really the kinds of cops you want in positions of authority?  Those who are stupid enough to play with their own lives?  God knows what they were doing with the lives of those they were to serve.

Alix was remembered in the following video.

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media


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