Home»Commentary»The Armed Citizen® Jan. 27, 2023

The Armed Citizen® Jan. 27, 2023

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Armed Citizen® Today

An alleged late-night attempt by a 23-year-old man to murder a resident of a LaGrange, Ga., home ended with the attempted murderer being shot several times by his intended victim.

Near midnight on Friday, Jan. 6, the man broke into the window of his intended victim’s house, then began shooting into the home in an alleged attempt to kill the 29-year-old male resident. As he fired, his attack also threatened a 22-year-old woman and a child who were also inside the house. The male resident returned fire, striking his assailant with multiple rounds.

The 23-year-old man then fled the home and was picked up by police on a nearby street. After he was taken to the hospital and treated for his wounds, the assailant was taken to the Troup County Jail, where he faces charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault, family violence and first-degree home invasion. (Valley Times-News, LaGrange, Ga., 01/06/23)

From the Armed Citizen® Archives – April 17, 1987

Visut Voratanitkitkul was sleeping in his Chicago, Ill., restaurant when a brick smashed a front window. The 39-year-old owner retrieved his revolver and went to investigate. Menaced by three intruders, Voratanitkitkul opened fire, fatally wounding one burglar and forcing the other two to flee. Two suspects were later charged with burglary by police. (The Tribune, Chicago, Ill.)

Article by NRA STAFF


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