Anderson Manufacturing Launches Custom Shop With Rescue Of Legacy 700s
Anderson Manufacturing has launched a Custom Shop—located on the premises of its four-building campus in Hebron, Ken.—and its initial offerings include final remnants of OEM parts and Model 700 rifles from the original Remington Custom Shop. The owners of Anderson Manufacturing, Charles and Carl Anderson, purchased that legacy inventory and have assigned Master Gunsmith David Wheeler to oversee the new Custom Shop’s production.
“The master gunsmiths of the Anderson Custom Shop are personally committed to excellence, and attention to meticulous detail,” Wheeler said, adding the customized Remington 700s are blueprinted and hand headspaced. “These are qualities you will not find on your average high-volume production rifle. All rifles are meticulously assembled, tested, and tuned to exceed your expectations. Adding exceptional value, enhancements and improved performance transform these limited quantities of historical firearm parts into further exceptional custom rifles.”
The Anderson Custom Shop is focused on preservation of these final remnants of Remington’s Custom Shop and working closely with the Remington Society of America to fulfill that goal. According to Wheeler, however, future plans include customizing already established Anderson Manufacturing product lines such as, the A4, AM-10 and Kiger-9c Families.
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“The Custom Shop gives me the opportunity to pursue my passion for quality gunsmithing while also delivering a product to the customer that fits their wants and needs,” Wheeler said. “Every firearm that leaves our Custom Shop is unique, I can’t wait to see what the future holds.” For more information visit and select the Custom Shop tab atop the home page.
The Custom Shop has its own assembly line and will operate independently from Anderson Manufacturing’s commercial rifle production. The latter offers a wide variety of models, including modern sporting rifles—including the AM-15 Dissipator— pistol-caliber carbines and more.
Article by GUY J. SAGI
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