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SB 5078 Goes After the Firearm Industry!  Washington Patriots, I have some very bad news!  SB 5078, a bill that attacks the very existence of the firearms industry, was reported from committee last week and is now heading to the Senate floor for a vote.   This horrible bill will hold the …

Let’s Move Constitutional Carry in South Carolina! I am happy to report that South Carolina State Senator Shane Martin, District 13, has introduced the South Carolina Constitutional Cary Act, (S. 109), an act that will no longer permit the State of South Carolina to blanketly criminalize th carrying of a …

It’s incredible to me that the Second Amendment is so clear and all across these united States of America, men and women put their hand on a Bible and swear before God and man that they will uphold that Amendment, along with the rest of the Constitution and while taking …

In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, striking down New York’s “may-issue” licensing system, the state passed a law that is perhaps even worse. When I am asked what alterations I would make to the United States Constitution if I could travel back in time and persuade the …

Your Santa Fe City Council is currently considering a resolution that would make it a fourth degree felony for a person — including a concealed handgun licensee — to carry a firearm for personal protection in, or on, certain city-controlled properties that can be used for school-related or school-sanctioned events.  These would include the Santa Fe Community Convention Center …

On Capitol Hill, Gun Owners of America is strongly objecting to the Omnibus government funding bill on your behalf, because it is infested with Second Amendment infringements. The Swamp loves to pass infringements when no one is looking, and the holidays provide the perfect cover to ram through unwanted spending …

Included in the FY 2023 Appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security, there was funding included to secure the Southern Border of the United States. Democrats in the Senate proposed a program to ensure the top priority for U.S. border control was satisfied and well-funded. According to the Chairman of …

The vote may be final, but the final outcome is far from certain. Yesterday, anti-gun Senate Majority Democrats voted 21-16 to advance A.4769 to the Governor’s desk. Anti-gun Gov. Phil Murphy will undoubtedly sign the legislation. However, this latest episode of political theatre is nothing more than disgruntled legislators thumbing …

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, condemned the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Martin J. Gruenberg as Chair and Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Gruenberg led the FDIC from 2011-2018, during which the Obama administration conducted the illegal Operation Choke …

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is set to release its final rule on Braced firearms later this month. In Analyzing the proposed rule, which was released June 2021, it appears that ATF has intentionally designed its Factoring Criteria for Rifled Barrel Weapons with Accessories Commonly Referred to …