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Thomas Massie Exposes “Gun Control” For What It Is: Ineffective & Unconstitutional (Video)
In a piece, I wrote back in 2015 titled All Federal Gun Laws Are Unconstitutional, I pointed out that the US went from 1776 to 1927, 150 years after our founding, when Congress decided, “We better start disarming the American people” by slipping into place the first of many unlawful …

Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Call For Disarming Americans While Completely Surrounded By Guns
Not letting a tragedy go to waste, the Biden administration is exploiting the recent massacres in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York to push for strict gun control measures. Since the psychotic shooter took the lives of 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary last week, both Joe Biden …

In Face Of Second Amendment Attacks, State Advances Bill to Ban Enforcement Of Unlawful Federal Gun Laws
I wish these criminals in DC would get it through their thick heads that ALL gun laws are unlawful, and therefore unconstitutional, but they persist at attacking our rights in clear violation of their oath of office. While many states are legislating Constitutional Carry, which quite honestly doesn’t need legislation, …

Biden Bypasses Congress & Constitution – Issues New Gun Control Dictate with Complete Disregard For 2nd Amendment
On Monday, the White House announced a new crack down on American’s Second Amendment rights — entirely bypassing Congress — and ruling by executive decree instead. The new rule attacks individuals who build their own firearms at home. In response to Biden’s new dictate, Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky lambasted the president’s …

Missouri Bans Police From Enforcing Federal Gun Confiscation – Nearly 60 Tyrannical Police Chiefs Sue To Block Ban
As time goes on, you’re going to start seeing who in the police force are friendly to the people and who are, as I’ve said time and again, the agents of the state. A good example of this is in Missouri where the legislature passed and the governor signed a …

Report: Red Flag Test – Democrats Plan To Introduce Bill Allowing Police To Confiscate Guns From US Troops
Former President Donald Trump and the Department of Justice opened up this can of worms with the promotion of red flag laws, which are nothing but pretended legislation. Now, Democrats, in league with Joe Biden, are looking to pass an unconstitutional bill that would seek to disarm active duty US …

The 135 Republicans Who Voted To Confiscate Guns From Our Veterans In Latest NDAA Bill
The House passed a bill containing all sorts of egregious, unconstitutional items in it. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act contains language that would allow military courts to confiscate guns from veterans of the military. Remember President Donald Trump’s red flag laws? Well here they are illegally aimed at our …

Treasonous Joe Signals Intent To Join UN Gun Registration Treaty Followed By Nationwide Confiscation Effort
Under the illegitimate administration of the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, they signed onto the United Nations’ small arms treaty, which was then “unsigned” by President Donald Trump. In that treaty was a national gun registry despite the claims otherwise of then Secretary of State John Kerry. Now, treasonous …

Chicago Mayor Blames the Guns, Not the Criminals
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) recently chose to blame guns for the actions of a criminal after a police officer was shot in the line of duty. Multiple Chicago officers were shot during what was a routine traffic stop, with one officer’s injuries being fatal. The next day, Lightfoot tweeted, “We …

North Carolina: Guilford County Firearms Ordinance Update
Last Thursday, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners deferred voting on the proposed firearms ordinance until a later date. The proposed ordinance, File # 2021-294, prohibits “repetitive discharge” of any firearms (including clay pigeon shooting, target shooting, or target practice) in Guilford County. On the Wednesday evening prior to the meeting, the Commissioners amended the proposed …