Home»Commentary»Minnesota: “Assault Weapons” Ban Referred to the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy

Minnesota: “Assault Weapons” Ban Referred to the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy

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On Monday, House File 3570 was referred to the House Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy and would ban so called “assault weapons” by expanding upon an existing statute used to define these firearms. The bill would also prohibit the sale or transfer of “assault weapons”, establish a buyback program, and call for an appropriation from the general fund. Please contact your state representative and ask them to OPPOSE HF 3570 by using the Take Action button below.

HF 3570 uses a broad list of different firearms to define “semiautomatic military-style assault weapon”. Additionally, varying models of a specific gun or models similar to those listed in the bill are prohibited. Modifications and accessories like protruding grips and barrel shrouds, are features that would also cause a gun to be banned. The transfer of semiautomatic military-style assault weapons is prohibited, with very limited exceptions for law enforcement and the military.

The bill makes the commissioner of public safety responsible for establishing a buyback program and would require the program to accept any semiautomatic military-style assault weapon that is offered. Reimbursement for the buyback program would be set by the commissioner. Appropriations from the general fund are suggested for the commissioner to operate the buyback program.

The NRA will work diligently to protect your Second Amendment rights. We urge you to contact your state representative and ask them to OPPOSE HF 3570.

Article by NRA-ILA


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