Thanks to your ardent passion for liberty and quick advocacy, we pressed your representatives to Advance Liberty!
Nebraska we are one step closer to the passage of Permitless Carry and ending the unconstitutional registry schemes of socialist-controlled cities that have lorded over the rural areas of the state for far too long.
By demonstrating a willingness to be flexible in the fight and with single-minded persistence, Sen. Brewer pushed L.B. 77 through the first floor debate with a vote of 36-12! Please send a message expressing your appreciation to Sen. Brewer and his staff for their tireless efforts in defence of liberty!
As we have witnessed over the last few sessions, the fight was not without its memorable moments… Naturally, the socialist cabal demonstrated that they care little for their oath or the proper role of government which is solely tasked with defend the liberties of the citizenry.
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Indeed, after an eight-hour debate spanning three days, the socialist diatribe might be considered to be a poorly conducted off-Broadway production entitled “The Road to Serfdom.” Sen. Cavanaugh of Omaha unashamedly admitted she was there only to “to take up time,” and Sen. Hunt lamented that the bill represents a “far-right free-for-all.”
What these acolytes of Marx’s dismal offspring do not seem to grasp, is the fact that within the American tradition of ordered liberty, a governmental body, or a court, cannot strip away God-given rights away simply because it arbitrarily deems a constitutionally protected right as dangerous or, in doing so, it has complied with due process. As a citizen of These United States, we have the constitutionally enumerated right to “keep and bear arms” regardless of whether the government or prejudiced individuals within our communities considers it suitable for us to exercise our God-given right to defend life, liberty, and property with commonly held arms.
Patriots, while we won this engagement, the battle of Permitless carry is far from over. This significant first step in the struggle to restore just governance to Nebraska will still have to push through two more rounds of voting before it can be signed by Governor Pillen.
Consequently, it is essential to stay the course by continuing to engage in respectful discourse with their State Senators. Keep up the pressure by demanding that they advance Legislative Bill 77 without further amendments!
So, please send a message to these legislators thanking them for their vote and encouraging them to continue to advance Permitless Carry!
Article by Iain Graeme
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