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New Gun Control Bill Coming to Congress

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Just days after the shooting in Buffalo, gun owners are now facing a three-pronged assault from the gun grabbers.

1. Biden’s Executive Orders;

2. Dettelbach’s ATF nomination;

3. And now, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is set to introduce a NUCLEAR gun control bill unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the U.S. Senate.

Booker’s bill, which he’ll introduce with notorious anti-gun haters Dick Blumenthal (CT) and Bob Menendez (NJ), is the “kitchen sink” of gun control bills.

Our staff has analyzed the initial draft of the bill this morning and we’ve broken it down for you below.

>>> Mandate that you receive a national firearms license from the Attorney General’s office if you want to buy or possess a gun, forever ending private party sales!

>>> Specify that IF you get a national firearms license, it’s only good for one purchase, and you must buy your firearm within 30 days of being issued the license!

>>> Deny you your gun rights if you’ve ever been arrested for any one of a dozen different misdemeanors, even if you were never prosecuted (or found not guilty) in court!

>>> Require Americans to give the serial number, make, and model of each gun they purchase to the Federal Government, giving them total and complete gun registration here in America!

>>> Institute ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ and allow you to be denied a permit just because you recently bought a gun! In other words, exercising your right to keep and bear arms can be used as evidence against you when applying for this license!

>>> Force you to give your fingerprints to the government to apply for this national firearms license, and then dump your prints into the FBI’s Rap Back Program, where your prints would be tracked for life!

This is naked tyranny . . . and it would result in the American people being totally and completely disarmed!

We absolutely must defeat this legislation! But that means we’re going to need all hands on deck.

To help the American Firearms Association DEFEAT this bill, please consider making a generous contribution of $10, $20, $50, or even $100 today!

Late last week, Politico reported that the Biden Administration is “dropping the gloves” on Capitol Hill.

This is a sign that they know they’re going to get crushed in November and they know they must go on kamikaze missions to implement their Socialist agenda.

This makes the Biden / Booker Nuclear Gun Control Bill more dangerous than ever.

Please take action today and help us DEFEAT this attack on our Second Amendment rights.

For America,

Christopher Dorr

American Firearms Association

P.S. Anti-gun Senator Cory Booker is about to drop a NUCLEAR gun control bill in the U.S. Senate.

He’s going for the entire “kitchen sink,” looking to crush our gun rights before Dems get crushed in November.

Please make a generous contribution today to help the American Firearms Association DEFEAT the Biden / Booker NUCLEAR Gun Control bill.

Article by americanfirearmsassociation


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