Home»US News»New Hampshire: Bill to Shut Down Shooting Ranges Set for Committee Hearing

New Hampshire: Bill to Shut Down Shooting Ranges Set for Committee Hearing

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On January 23rd, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 469, sponsored by Senator Jeanne Dietsch (D – District 9), at 10:00 AM in Room 100 of the State House.

NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to attend this hearing in order to express opposition to this anti-shooting range bill. If you are unable to attend, please contact committee members and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 469.

Senate Bill 469 would repeal New Hampshire’s shooting range protection law by allowing municipalities to subject already-existing shooting ranges to noise ordinances, while also making it easier for individuals to sue local gun ranges for noise violations. Currently, under New Hampshire law, shooting ranges are immune from lawsuits as long as they complied with existing noise ordinances at the time the range opened.

This legislation would endanger shooting ranges, even if they operate safely and are otherwise in full compliance with the law. Municipalities and individuals could use these ordinances to effectively shut down ranges with costly renovations, unreasonable court fees, hiatus, or even closure of operations. Shooting ranges provide a safe environment for law-abiding individuals to learn, practice, and train. They should not be regulated out of existence.

Again, please click “Take Action” above to contact committee members and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 469. Please continue to check www.nraila.org and your email inbox for NRA-ILA alerts on additional public hearings next week.

Article by NRA-ILA


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