Obama’s Biggest Frustration is Not Being Able to Get More Americans’ Guns
In an attempt to sound like infringing on the rights of the people that are to be protected by the Second Amendment, Barack Obama told the BBC that the most frustrating thing he’s experience while illegally occupying the Oval Office over the past seven years is his inability to attack the Second Amendment more than he wanted.
OK, those are not the words he used, but that is exactly what Obama and his administration have been engaged in.
Obama’s comments were broadcast just shortly before the shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana at the Grand Theater.
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“The issue of guns, that is an area where if you ask me where has been the one area where I feel that I’ve been most frustrated and most stymied it is the fact that the United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense, gun-safety laws,” he told the BBC. “Even in the face of repeated mass killings.”
He then sought to divert attention from what we are told is a real threat,
Islamic terrorism. He claimed that less than 100 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by terrorism (No, he didn’t call it Islamic), but that “tens of thousands have been killed by gun violence.”
“For us not to be able to resolve that issue has been something that is distressing,” he added. “But it is not something that I intend to stop working on in the remaining 18 months.”
So, he’s telling the American people that he’s coming for your guns again. Relentless!
While the number of Islamic terror attacks have resulted in a relatively low number of deaths in America, he fails to address the number of attacks and the number of people injured by those attacks. He also fails to identify the thousands of US military personnel who have been attacked by Islamic jihadists, including those aboard Extortion 17. Additionally, he fails to address how many of those gun deaths were defensive killings, how many were self-inflicted and so on. He does this because when you look at the numbers, things are often not how they are portrayed by this man. He wouldn’t even cite the fact that it is in cities with the highest crime and murder rates that his ideas of gun bans and infringements upon the rights of the people have demonstrated to be the biggest failures.
WND reported on some of the responses to Obama’s comments:
“We have been expecting an all-out assault on the Second Amendment by Obama in the last years of his term,” said Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. “Thank God that the House of Representatives and the Senate are not in control of the Democrats, or our gun rights would be toast.
“Obama will do as much damage as he can get away with by executive orders and actions as he can. We will be fighting him all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Jerry Henry, executive director of GeorgiaCarry.org, said the “transforming” of America into a socialist state cannot be considered a done deal until guns are confiscated from law-abiding Americans.
“Obama told everyone five days prior to the election in 2008 that he would fundamentally change America. In order to accomplish that, he must do away with our constitutional rights first,” said Henry. “The Second Amendment is one of those rights that must be abolished in order for him to succeed in this endeavor.”
Henry said Obama continuously skirts the truth about what really happens with firearms.
“He says, ‘The number of Americans killed since
9/11 by terrorism was less than 100 while tens of thousands had been killed by gun violence.’ Apparently he does not count the U.S. military as Americans even while denying their right to self-defense when on bases in America.”
It’s clear from news reports this year that the president is eager to spend his final months in office “pushing a gun-control agenda that is not gaining much traction with law-abiding citizens,” said David Workman, senior editor of the Gun Mag. “Whether it’s an attempt to ban ammunition or exploit tragic events, Mr. Obama appears to be trying to erode the Second Amendment any way he can.”
Buckle up, lock and load America. It’s going to be a bumpy 18 months ahead for sure.
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