Police Go Door-To-Door to Remind Gun Owners that They Basically Don’t Have Self Defense Rights on Public Property
When the Gun-Free School Zone Act was signed into law in 1990, it effectively created mini constitution free zones within 1000 feet of every public, private, or parochial school. While exceptions are made for firearms on private property, the law basically makes it illegal to defend yourself or others with a firearm on public property within the arbitrary school zones, unless sanctioned to do so by the state, or the school.
More recently, after New Orleans saw a recent “rise in gun activity,” US Attorney Kenneth Polite decided that he should conduct a community outreach program alongside local and federal police agencies, to reinforce these rules. They’ve been going door-to-door in neighborhoods that fall within school zones, to remind residents that they basically have no self-defense rights on public property where they live. Check out the nauseating propaganda piece that the local news produced on behalf of the program.
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