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Concealed-Carry on College Campuses Bill Passes in Texas!
How often do you see a government respond logically to a problem? Never? Well, now we have one logical response from the Lone Star State. Texas lawmakers have been debating several gun rights bills for a while now, including a bill that would allow gun owners to carry-concealed on college campuses. Students …

Texas House Passes Amended Campus Carry Bill
On Tuesday, the Texas State House approved a bill that would require public universities to allow concealed handguns on campus. The bill, which originated in the Senate, was passed minutes before its midnight deadline. A final vote in the House, and further negotiations with the Senate will determine whether it …
Texas Governor Sticks it to Gun Grabbing Moms Demand Action – Will Sign Open Carry into Law
Texas will become the 45th State to allow Open Carry, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) in comments he made during his 2015 State of the State Address. “Let me briefly follow up on a word I mentioned a moment ago – liberty,” Abbott said. “In a single word, …

Texas Mother Puts Gun between Herself & Two Would Be Intruders to Protect Son
You know what they say, “Don’t mess with a mama’s babies.” Two would be intruders found this out as they attempted to break into a Texas home and found a mama bear with a gun protecting her son. April O’Neil, a stay at home mother, recounted the moment her eyes …

Police Say this Texas Man did “What Every Homeowner” would do to Protect His Family
Imagine yourself waking at 4 am by the sound of your doorbell ringing and an unknown man on the other side of your door demanding to be let in. That’s exactly what happened to a Texas man on Friday morning and it resulted in the unknown man taking a bullet …

Four Armed Robbers Go Into a Business with an Armed Patron… Two of them Die
Once again, the right to keep and bear arms has demonstrated that it is a serious threat to the criminal element. By the way, did you hear the one about the four armed robbers who entered a business demanding money, but didn’t realize there would be a fly in the …