This Governor Authorized Adjutant General to Arm Full Time Military Personnel – He’s not the Only One
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has authorized the Arkansas National Guard Adjutant General to arm all full-time military personnel in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack last Thursday that left four marines and one Navy Petty Officer dead.
“I want to join in those who are calling for greater security at our recruiting stations and military installations,” Hutchinson said in a press release from his office. “We’ve had numerous instances of attacks. Clearly they are a target, and for us to have unarmed military personnel makes no sense, which is why I am directing Major General Mark Berry to arm full-time personnel as he deems necessary at military installations.”
Additionally, he issued a proclamation to order the state flag of Arkansas to be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, July 20, 2015 out of respect for our fallen, including Arkansas native Staff Sgt. David Wyatt.
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“Our hearts break at the news of another senseless act of violence and terror, this time out of Chattanooga,” Governor Hutchinson said. “Our prayers go out to all the families of the victims, especially the family of Staff Sgt. David Wyatt of Russellville, one of Arkansas’s own.”
This is far more than the enemy of America, Barack Hussein Obama, has done. In fact, the White House would not even lower the flag to half-staff following the Islamic terror attack.
Hutchinson is not the only Governor to do this.
According to the Times Free Press, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Florida Governor Rick Scott and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal have all issued orders to arm all full-time National Guardsmen.
However, recruitment centers remain unarmed. Why? Are they not considered full-time military? Why are they not authorized to be armed? Oh, that’s right, the federal government overstepped its bounds and restricted those rights, didn’t they? These are the same rights which are to be protected in the Second Amendment.
Instead of protecting the rights of recruitment officers, it’s been left up to American citizens to defend those who are supposed to be defending us!
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) is currently finalizing a bill that would nullify President Bill Clinton’s “Gun Free Zone” legislation, at least with regard to recruitment centers. Frankly, Congress should simply be writing legislation doing away with Clinton’s unconstitutional “law.” However, at least this is an attempt to restore the rights of our service men and women who protect and preserve our rights.
I’m going to propose something for this coming election cycle. Anyone who wants to serve the people in the White House or the Congress should be asked where they think limitations on the Second Amendment are. If they have any limitations, they should be immediately dismissed as those who will not be chained by the very document they will swear to uphold, period.
Big government restriction of arms costs lives. Chattanooga, as well as Ft. Hood are among the many examples. I think it’s high time the American people started holding elected representatives who violate their oath of office judicially accountable for violating the law, resulting the murder of American citizens.
UPDATE: Governor Hutchinson issued another executive order on Monday along with the following press release:
LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson followed up his order Friday to Adjutant General Major General Mark Berry authorizing him to arm full-time military personnel by issuing an Executive Order to protect the Arkansas National Guard.
The Order also directs Major General Berry to relocate Arkansas National Guard members from the state’s storefront recruiting centers to the nearest armory. The reason for the temporary relocation is to make sure these recruiting centers are adequately protected from drive-by shooting scenarios — as have previously occurred in Arkansas and elsewhere.
Last Thursday, U.S. military personnel were the victims of targeted shootings at a Navy and Marine reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., which resulted in the deaths of five servicemen, including Staff Sgt. David Wyatt of Russellville.
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