Home»Politics»Attorney General Wants $80 Million to Implement Obama’s Unconstitutional Gun Plan

Attorney General Wants $80 Million to Implement Obama’s Unconstitutional Gun Plan

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Attorney General Loretta Lynch has been backing Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah’s unconstitutional executive orders to impose gun control. Now she’s telling us just how much it’s going to cost, $80 million!

On Wednesday, Lynch told Congress, “I have complete confidence that the common sense steps announced by the president are lawful.”

Lynch said that Obama’s actions are “well-reasoned measures, well within existing legal authorities, built on work that’s already underway.”

Of course, the problem with what Lynch said is that the truth is that Obama’s actions are completely unlawful. First, and foremost, no authority has been given to Congress nor the Executive Branch to engage in these actions. Second, the Second Amendment is clear in that there is not to be an infringement upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms for the purpose of their civil duty of being part of the constitutional militia.

At least one senator verbally stood up to Lynch.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), chairman of the subcommittee Senate Appropriations Committee panel that oversees the Department of Justice said, “The department is on notice. This subcommittee will have no part in undermining the Constitution and the rights that it protects.”

Other GOP senators on the panel, though disliking Obama’s actions, seemed open to some aspects of expanding background checks for guns.

As I wrote about the other day, Sen. Barbara Mukulski (D-MD) did not want to “get involved in constitutional arguments” during the hearing.

“We do need to change our nation’s culture of violence,” said Mukulski, who supported the statements of Lynch. “We do need to stop guns from getting into the wrong hands.”

Frankly, I don’t think there will be any further moves by Congress this year to impose anymore gun restrictions, not that they should be doing that in the first place.

Yet, Lynch continued to push the false narrative that more Americans are calling for more background checks.

“As the list of tragedies involving firearms has grown, so has the American people’s belief that we must do more to stem the tide of gun violence, and this administration is committed to doing our part,” she said.

Actually, the American people want those elected in Washington to do their job, which is quite limited in its scope. In fact, we are beginning to call on Congress to provide for the training of the militia, which is a part of the Constitution.


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During Gun Control Hearing, Senator Blurts Out, “Let’s not get involved in Constitutional Arguments”

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