Home»Commentary»Larry Pratt: Gun Owners of America is a Muslim-Free Zone

Larry Pratt: Gun Owners of America is a Muslim-Free Zone

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Glenn BeckĀ is not happy with the National Rifle Association. On his radio show, he actually threatened to quit the organization if its board member, Grover Norquist, was re-elected, calling Norquist a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer.

According to Beck, Norquist has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is closely related to the terrorist group Hamas. “I mean I just, I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence and a very bad man that if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors I don’t think I can be associated with them,” Beck said.

“I think Glenn Beck is right to be concerned,” said Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America‘s executive director. “And we just hope that he might be comfortable over at the Gun Owners of America someday.” Pratt said that his organization has a strong anti-Muslim Brotherhood stance.

“Muslims, when they’re in power, don’t like you having guns. They disarm the populace and certainly anyone opposed to them won’t have a gun,” he explained.

This isn’t the first time concerns have been raised by the Gun Owners of America about the NRA. When Congress was considering expanding background checks post-Sandy Hook, the NRA had a questionable stance: “The NRA had initially years ago written the background check legislation, so they were not comfortable opposing an expansion of background checks to private sales and, in fact, were supporting it,” Pratt said.

“It doesn’t stop crime, but it sure gives the government a dandy list of who owns guns,” he said of background checks.

With the NRA’s support thrown towards the legislation, the Gun Owners of America and its concern for Second Amendment rights steppedĀ in.

“We were so concerned about it,” he said. The group turned to its email list, which they jokingly call the “Piers Morgan Memorial Email List” due to how large it grew after the former talkĀ show host had heckled the group.

The group had its members and allies write and call their elected officials.

“A week later, they [NRA] announced that they were doing a 180,” he said. Under pressure, the NRA had changed its views.

“It was marvelous to behold, because one of the bill’s sponsors went running to the media, saying that he’s been betrayed,” he explained. “There was a vote, and happily, that was it. The measure died. That was due to people writing their members of Congress, emailing them in this case, or telephoning them as we encouraged. It got results. Numbers count.”

Another group the Gun Owners of America is taking aim at is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). They hope the ATF is disbanded.

“This is something that Gun Owners of America has advocated for years. This is a blood-drenched agency who is responsible for the death of many, many, many Americans,” he explained. “They had never been able to discover what their role was except gun control.”

“Trying to make gun owners criminals by catching them in non-violent, statutory-type crimes has been about the best that they can come up with. They don’t serve any purpose.”

Pratt encouraged Second Amendment patriots to get more involved by joining the organization and its email list, sayingĀ it is effective.

“That is the tool that was used to defeat post-Sandy Hook gun control push. Obviously, it works,” he added.

Listen to Joshua Cook’s entire interview with Larry Pratt.

*Article by Joshua Cook, courtesy of Freedom Outpost.


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